Dream: Stranded on planet - sort of

After doing a study on Poythress and Meredith Kline's work on "The First Resurrection", particularly on Revelation 20:4-6, last night on the bed, I had a strange dream.

We (I don't recall who, Nadia did not seem to be in it) for some reason had to leave planet Earth and got stranded on a planet. Gene and Elizabeth and others later managed to escape the planet. I was stuck there with the likes of Ben Stiller who with his other pals goofed around in filming or something when the planet turned icy. I think I was trying to solve the ice problem, whatever it was I do not remember. It seemed that we went through long hibernation and one day while roaming through ice, I heard a rescue team on the radio confirming our location/existence: "bla bla bla...over". I responded using the walkie-talkie radio "bla bla bla...over", and immediately a huge space ship entered the hall that I was in. We then learned that it was Gene who sponsored the rescue expedition. I hugged all four of them (they had 2 kids about 6-9 year old) in gratitude.

Just before waking up or at the end of the dream, we learned later that the planet we were stranded on was actually Earth itself. And that we escaped it because it was either running into the Sun or leaving the orbit. However, the planet somehow catapulted itself lightyears into the future. We were stranded in the ice-age very quickly that we didn't even bother to explore the entire planet to realize where we were until the rescue mission.

I think the "blame" of this is the influence of various shows I watched. Too many movies/TV ideas. Stargate Universe, Planet of the Ape, any dystopia movies. There was only one other apocalypse-like dream of biblical proportion that I had. Perhaps I need to meditate more in Godly terms and not worldly ones.

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