The erroneous criticism of "Doesn't fit a mathematical equation"

Since I came to Grace Church (Bridgewater), there's these sayings going around: "Life is not science", "The math folks won't get this", "You can't explain this with mathematical equations", etc.

I think these stupid phrases come not from this church alone. It's perhaps my beginning personal encounter of the shallowest fundamentalist influenced kind of Christians. It's likely they've failed math and science. They cannot define terminologies properly. Their guru is probably Ken Ham and the likes. I have yet to pin point the source of these quotes of theirs. So I'll leave this in the Questions category as well.

Recognizing, lots of Bible study verses they touched on are beyond their (only them in most cases) own understanding, they would rather conclude that these are something the science folks (instead of themselves) cannot figure out/understand. Yet, I looked at those verses, I don't see any problem with a rational interpretation of them, especially most of these verses have to do with the aesthetics, artistic literature.

What they actually meant, is "lean not on your own understanding".

The Reformation influenced some of them a bit, or else they would place faith and science mutually exclusive. But they still do not truly grasp the distinction between general and special revelations. They do not see that we are mere interpreters of both revelations, that is, if they get what revelation truly is at all. The rest of their consequent failure is just out of pride and jealousy.

In general, rationality, logic, Math and science are just what we do to make sense of ALL God's revelations. Since these are God's given tools, they can never be wrong, but the users themselves can be wrong.

You can say that God or faith is beyond rationality, supra-rational. If there's something beyond mathematics, for example: love, all mathematicians know this is not something you use mathematics or science for. You cannot say that there's even a slightest chance for faith to contra-reason. To be fair, to say that "this doesn't fit the mathematical equation" can be seen as the insufficiency of human reasoning, which would be correct, however, the folks I was referring to above do not treat it that way. They are implying that either nobody else can figure/understand what they themselves cannot understand or math can be wrong, which has nothing to do with the insufficiency of our own understanding. To say that there is a chance for any of God gifted tools to be wrong is to call God a liar.

The only way to cure them, I think, is to keep fixating on "lean not on your own understanding" instead of "this is not an math equation" (because maybe it is and you just can't figure it out), which is bad English, bad reasoning and bad science. I can try to brainwash them out of this error subtly with care or harsher when needed.

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The Company that's owned by its employees. This concept is new to me. When SP started this, I just saw it as some sort of internal IPO stocks. From the point of stocks, that's great, from the point of employees become the boss, that sounds like the union. But now TLDR has this article "Every company should be owned by its employees" by ELLE GRIFFIN:

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Rationality must be Spiritualized; Spirituality must be Rationalized

賈玉銘 (据唐崇榮):理性要霛性化;靈性要理性化。

The American/Western fundamentalists do not get this. They are easily turned off by the Scientism folks and embraced a kind of spirituality that is devoid of rationality. They would try not to be anti-rational, if they could, but they really do not wish to follow the rational path because they have lost their wits not the scientism, but to anyone who are smarter than them in rationality. Their jealousy pushed their pride to finding refuge in fake humility which is taken as their new found spirituality, not realizing that they've already fallen into the theological errors practiced in the far East for thousands of years.

That is the second part of the quote. The first part of the quote is obvious, that we do not just think, but we have live it, in Christ, taking us not against, but beyond rationality. So the faithful saints will not need to fall to pride when facing rational opponents who are smarter. In fact, they would show true humility and desire to learn if possible.

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Journal of the Week

7/26/2024 Stephen Tong on Paradox (反合性), using Christ's dual nature. And also using the paradox of "humility": Are you humble? The more you deny it, the more humble you are - And if you disagree with this statement, you are even more humble.

Chinese Translation of PARADOX that weren't satisfactory by Tong: 吊诡性, 逆反性, 似非而是性 (much better because it's not 似是而非, better, qualitatively speaking):

Also, Tong interestingly brought up Hebrews 2:5 as the proof text that when man lost his place to have dominion over the world, angels were not the one supposed to be in charge.

7/25/2024 FAANG refers to the 5 Big Tech giants: Facebook (Meta), Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Google (Alphabet). And this forum discusses about benefits being better from FAANG than non-FAANG tech companies. More stable, relaxing as well.

Last week we harvested our sweet corns (bought from the now recently closed down Dieker's Farm on Bordentown Ave.), half were slightly too old. So the lesson is to harvest early in the future, perhaps before July.

7/24/2024 For stuff about Steve Jobs: old videos, etc.

With President Biden stepping down, the table may have turned, despite Trump's near death experience. Vance's rhetoric on foreign diplomacy is shallow at best, especially with the "China slavery" exaggeration as an excuse for tariff. Unfortunately, as much of a clown as Kamala is, her opposition might underestimate her enough to lose to her, if they remain obtuse. I posted this on my FB in response to Kishore Mahbubani's short clip for fun. Mahbubani was the Indian geopolitical commentator my dad introduced me when we were on our way to Koh Lipe last year. I thought he should be a great resource for me from being trapped by American/Western political propaganda.

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Paintings Collection for free online

Impressive, I could even download Hagar in the Wilderness by Camille Corot. However, not all arts are available, for example: Briton Riviere's Daniel paintings.

Nevertheless, it's a very good source for study of painters as it can list paintings by artists.

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Bible Study: Psalm 73

This study began with Rodolfo leading the Men's Fellowship at GCC. Especially after the pastor's post end prayer comment/blunt critique of Rodolfo's context (v.25-26), I felt imperative to look this up as this is not a chapter I was that familiar with. Pastor Chris' note was to point back to the theme of the Psalmist: Not to judge the book by its cover. Rodolfo's lead was a shallow one as it only focuses on those two verses, which is out of context with the theme of the entire chapter. And like Bill and Bob and some others, there's no discussion nor desire to have discussion, just to end in prayer after reciting all their notes, this is their Bible study method.

The Psalm starts with the subtext: A Psalm of Asaph. Many commentators said Asaph is a person. Calvin seems to think differently, that David was the real author and Asaph was just being charged to the singing of it. It is not something I would debate about at this point. Calvin gave a good introduction of the chapter in the beginning.

v.2-3 Shows that the Psalmist is perplexed, R got this one in his Bible study. Phil considered the Psalmist was blinded. Calvin only dared to go as far as temptation, that it was the Psalmist's temptation, having the steps well nigh slipped, not the Psalmist's iniquity. Ecc 9:2 is a good reference: all things come alike to all, and there is one event to the righteous and to the wicked

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Fujitsu Scanner: fi-6130 roller replacement

Ebay sells those rubber roller exit tires, less than $10 for 4 pieces. Search keyword: fi-6130 roller tires. Just bought these because mine are apparently melting due to heat or something and causing the papers to jam up in all directions.

Since the area near to rollers keeps getting hot or staying warm even when not using, I decided to just keep the top unit open/separated when not using.

These two videos helped in the assembly of the unit:

The ring at really needed to go all the way in or else the scanner belt will be loosen and the second pages will all go scanning wonky.
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Bible Sudy: Song of Songs (Solomon)

The GCC pastor did a Sunday School series/survey on this book a few months ago. It wasn't in depth enough.

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Understanding Animation

This is a good 101 on the foundation of animation all the way to storyboard basics.

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The Importance of Having an Uninterrupted Train of Thought

I have always preferred one-on-one talk rather than group chat. Because with interruptions, not only the focus is lost due to some individuals not able to keep up with the same topic, but the focus is lost. This is also true for study, research.

Years later, I came across this comic that I definitely agree with:

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