Sight & Sound David on 12/21

I would give it 3/5. Still better than Broadway shows. If only they fix their poor music composition. Very dull. They think they could mask this poor quality in music with dancing and lights and sound effects, don't fool me.

We went with church and this is the feedback I gave in their survey:

Everything's great except:
The Casting of David (I'm saying this because I took a group and it's the majority's feedback on this): Too short, not handsome enough (hence not too biblical if you want to go there). The one playing David sang very well, however, this is show business, we don't need to let those equality LGBT ideas get in the way: Some castings should not be short, some should not be tall, chubby, etc. This is not about discrimination nor crowd pleaser, but biblical art.

Music composition was never great, not last year's, not the year before. But since this is a quality level production, I do expect better music myself. You will be doing Moses next year, I would expect catchy tunes matching that of "The Prince of Egypt", not to mention everlasting effect in composition. Graphics, stage choreography, etc. were all top level but the music composition. I don't know, change the composer, send him/her to special research training or something. Catchy tune is always a must in a masterpiece.

Pros: The David floating in the stars scene was spectacular. My most favorite of the whole show. Thank you. Original, creative, that scene alone was a match if not better than many Star Trek deep space scenes, artistically speaking.
Last but not least, Thanks for always keeping it Christ-Centered, artistically speaking of course.

Conclusion, you are doing better than Broadway already in everyway but the musical composition which really need serious improvement, the dance, loudness, sound effects, graphic effects are not going to cover bad musical composition (maybe except only for untrained ears and by untrained I mean those who cannot read basic music sheets).

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One Response to Sight & Sound David on 12/21

  1. timlyg says:

    Fact Check:
    Goliath height - on stage, they made Goliath 22 feet tall. So were his supposed 4 brothers.
    This is contrary to 1Sam 17:4 6 cubits and a span = 9 feet (Masoretic text) or shorter 4 cubits and a span = 6'9" according to the oldest text (dead sea scrolls).

    As for the connection of Goliath's brothers to him: 2 Sam 21:18-21. The connection is only by weak assumption. Rapha is sometimes interpreted as giants, sometimes just a name of a place: Valley of Rephaim.

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