Bible Study: 1 Corinthians

I started this, even though I'm yet to seriously begin the study on this, because of issues such as head coverings (Chapter 11), etc.

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10 Responses to Bible Study: 1 Corinthians

  1. timlyg says:

    Chapter 2

  2. timlyg says:

    Chapter 3

  3. timlyg says:

    Chapter 4

  4. timlyg says:

    Chapter 5

  5. timlyg says:

    Chapter 6

  6. timlyg says:

    Chapter 7

    Taken from my other entry:
    The sermon touches on Paul's view on marriage, though not of his own "opinion", but as someone holding the office of an apostle. In Point II.A: Cannot serve two masters - Worldly marriage, the pastor said "Bad marriage is worse than no marriage [at all?]" [a quote apparently from Neil Clark Warren co-founder of eHarmony] to weigh in on how being single is better, despite that there's nothing wrong but good in the blessing of marriage. Perhaps in reference to 1 Corinthians 7:1,7-8,26,28,33-35,38 (...does better...),40.

    Me: The quote is a fun play with words especially it being obvious even from a worldly sense, but one can also say "bad singleness is worse than being married" though not likely to be as popular as the former quote because this one is at a more spiritual level and a more serious effect in the relationship with God. Bad singleness leads to an unhealthy view of women, of genders, and thus unto the Creator of genders essentially. So, the quote itself though interesting, is moot if it is not clarified (i.e. only focusing on sexual aspects, etc.). The only reason Paul gave to imply being single as better than marriage is simply less distraction (v.35). And only those who recognize this distraction in a full zeal to serve God is considered truly called by God to make themselves eunuchs for the Kingdom of Heaven's sake (Matthew 19:12), to marry oneself into the fellowship of God's children as father, mother, son, daughter, such as Paul. This blessed singleness is certainly not being complacent in the Lord, doing less than a zealous married couple. There seems to be a common erroneous American fundamentalist (any other cultures as well) Christian view on marriage being identical to sex or sexual relationship, as if in marriage one must have sex, though it's presumed. Such view itself is perhaps why Paul (along with other reasons that equate quality from above with from beneath) came up with 1 Corinthians 7, contrary to this shallow view of these Christians, to break away from the wrong conception of marriage. Sex is not a required, nor should it be the only component in marriage. So there is no such thing as I am not interested in the opposite sex. Such is the beginning of a bad singleness view.

  7. timlyg says:

    Chapter 8

  8. timlyg says:

    Chapter 9

  9. timlyg says:

    Chapter 10

  10. timlyg says:

    Chapter 11

    v.5-6 On Head Covering. Per Stephen Tong (Q&A #38 in 教会·教牧·服事), Head Covering is just a representation of submission, being submissive. I would add that therefore it's not about fashion or a mysterious purpose, any interpretation in those directions leads to idolatry.
      答:蒙头的意思就是要顺服,而有头发盖头也可能是蒙头的一种方式之一。公会如卫理公会、长老会都没有蒙头的习惯,而弟兄会、福音堂、聚会所就有蒙头的习惯。所以,有的人解释蒙头就是把一块布盖在头上,有一些人就用纱网蒙在头上。到底蒙头的意思是什么?真正的意义就是表示顺服。有人问:“为天使的原故,女人要顺从。”,这是什么意思?我发现一个可能性:我们不要像夏娃,夏娃因为不顺从就堕落在跌倒的天使的计谋里。“你们要存庄重虔诚的心,免得如同始祖夏娃,你旧的始祖,她受迷惑,就上了魔鬼的当。”所以那些不顺服的天使,成为 使人被误导的原因;而顺从的天使成为我们顺从的榜样。

    and another:

    Another of Tong's response to head covering:



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