11/30/2023 text-to-SVG, basically type in the text, it will generate black/white graphics quickly. Not bad. Good for generating characters quickly.
11/22/2023 WPA-WPA2 Wi-Fi Hacking: A Step-by-Step Guide:
via TLDR.
Tools Required
Before diving into the process, make sure you have the following tools:
Network Adapter (e.g., TL-WN722N V2) with monitoring mode support.
Kali Linux installed on your machine.
Today's AI though not something to embrace fully, is not something to completely brush aside as well. I think some (AirBnb founder Brian Chesky) feared it for designers who ignore the AI participation will be left behind, because it is somewhat true, as I tried a view AI samples in creative. It's done fast, quite beautifully, without much human labor by the end designers. However, this lacks true human ingenuity and creativity. The creator-creation behavior is missing, meaning so deep that only the creators understand fully, which is something crucial in arts that most ignore, even the artists themselves, as long as they get paid. After all, not all arts need to be that comprehensive, such as those which the AirBnb founder's experience, apparently.
Understanding CSS Grid (basically table format in html/CSS): An Interactive Guide to CSS Grid
Tech Cities of 2024 based on stats. A look from perspective of past tech salaries in different states as well as state taxes.
Wondering how sewing machine needles work? Veritasium did a video:
11/19/2023 Interesting clip from Stephen Tong on another ancient Chinese doctor called 扁鹊. For I had only known 華佗. 扁鹊 could diagnose a person effectively by mere look from afar. Though I felt that this is the first I heard of this doctor's name, the story Pak Tong told seems to be something I've heard before.
11/16/2023 My most satisfactory take on Contemporary Christian Music (CCM) by using a slightly different topic discussed on FB on whether or not a Christian should listen to Mormon Tabernacle Choir:
I have no problem listening to Mormon Tabernacle Choir singing Messiah or Christian Hymns. But I do have problem with non-Christians (i.e. Mormons) serving in church choir.
Also, if you do care to listen to MTC, you should at least have discerning ears in the arts. For example, they would never sing "God in Three persons" in their "HOLY HOLY HOLY" hymn. I could easily tell if a pictorial drawing is from the Watchtower (JW). Maybe you could eventually tell if a singing is from MTC by merely using your ears, Moses certain could (Exo 32:18).
Our great hymns and The Messiah are precious heritage. It behooves us therefore to do great study in them. It matters not who (Christians or not) sings them, it matters if you could discern what change they've done to them.
On the other hand, many contemporary Christian composers draw inspiration from pagan/idolatrous creativity. Now that's more like kissing a tran (I generally don't kiss just anyone, so I actually don't have problem hugging a tran, but that's beside the point). Deuteronomy 12:4 warns against such. This is the same as offering up the golden calf to/as YHWH. So definitely tread carefully. However, I am rather liberal when it comes to music: I may have no problem with using John Lennon's IMAGINE tune as Christian music, but I would have problem with doing so just because it's John Lennon.
11/15/2023 Received Notice of Violation from inspector Dave McGill in the mail. Alleged inspection was done on 11/8. Saying our house violated South Amboy article VII code 114-5, for overgrown vegetation. I looked up the code, couldn't find such code, but there was a 115-4 code on Maintenance of Exterior of Premises and Structures which specified no plant life should exceed more than 2.5 feet tall should be within 10 feet of any roadway, but this is to prevent traffic hazard. Also, there are similar notices with the code 115-4 uploaded online (mostly by inspector J. Bartlinski in around 2020 - seems to be these inspectors can't really spell - vegitation, vegetatin, etc.). Nadia and I tried to reasoned who complained about us. I figured either someone walking their pets did, or the new occupant of Joe's house next door, because we never had this issue before since we moved in, and after confronting McGill about this the following day at his office, even he himself didn't think the grass was tall and implied that the blame was to someone else who complained it and that I just needed to do a quick mow of the front-side lawn (because the complaint was about tall grass - I would say 4" tall on average). Should have recorded that conversation. Though I didn't want to give him a hard time because he also couldn't really refer me to the code that he wrote down in the notice, so I left peacefully. I told Nadia we must give our neighbors the benefit of the doubt, and even so, we should be the ones who look for peaceful solution. It's a one time thing, and it's no bother to mow the lawn (which I did right away, easy job), so let it go.
11/14/2023 There's a high tendency for many, because of indolence, to compensate works for knowledge. I need to watch myself of it. As well as be wary of such folks around me. This notion is due to certain individuals at church who are knowledgeable, love to talk, but doesn't really seem to do much work in church.
11/12/2023 I notice that in church, for those who aren't into socializing/fellowshipping, the more they talk, the more off topic they get.
11/11/2023 Sometimes I think that this theory warrants some credit: The more apparently innately effeminate a father is, the more likely he sires daughters than sons. And the same goes for a butch man, a naturally macho father, who is more likely to produce sons than daughters. I based this on virtually everyone I know.
Using A.I. to generate your "own" video: InVideo. I'm sure there will be many rivals that are better than this in very near future, if not already. But here's my sample of it after throwing the entire chapter of Exodus 24 into the feed, interesting way to help with understanding of certain passages, not that it's perfect. Think how amazing this would be if there's a classical Chinese version: