Category Archives: News

Journal of the Week

7/26/2024 Stephen Tong on Paradox (反合性), using Christ's dual nature. And also using the paradox of "humility": Are you humble? The more you deny it, the more humble you are - And if you disagree with this statement, you are … Continue reading

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Journal of the Week

7/18/2024 Microsoft's own AI Designer App (in Edge). Probably some free credits daily using my free personal account, for some AI art. 7/17/2024 My company's first podcast. I set up the room per my manager. Not sure why the … Continue reading

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Vocabulary: 无视法律;秉公执法; 人之常情

如果不是合乎你心意,那是无视法律;要是合乎你心意,那就是秉公执法。 人之常情: Human nature Learned from Youtuber @9:15

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On Pressing Charges

This news I came across where a professor (Dr. William Burke - funny that there's another William Burke, who passed away, accused of child sexual abuse, who later died in a house fire in 1995) was assaulted by a man … Continue reading

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Journal of the Week

3/21/2024 NYC perverted law: If squatters lived for 30 days in a house, they are legal residence of the house, the owner who reported them gets herself arrested: 3/20/2024 Receiving Godaddy's Hosting Renewal email reminder $119.88/year for Web Hosting Economy … Continue reading

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The Death of Ryan Viser

Sometime this week, I learned that Ryan Viser has passed away in 9/1/2023. I gathered as much as I could some memories. Mostly in photos, I placed it under the album of Ryan Viser and Vanessa Kalnasy's Wedding in my … Continue reading

Posted in Faults, News, Reflection | Leave a comment

Journal of the Week

3/8/2024 What a bummer that I didn't care about the stock market for a while. NVIDIA went from $60 in 2020 to $900 at the beginning of this month. That's about 15 times bullish increase. It's all because of this … Continue reading

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Journal of the Week

11/30/2023 text-to-SVG, basically type in the text, it will generate black/white graphics quickly. Not bad. Good for generating characters quickly. 11/22/2023 WPA-WPA2 Wi-Fi Hacking: A Step-by-Step Guide:via TLDR.Tools RequiredBefore diving into the process, make sure you have the following tools: … Continue reading

Posted in Computer Science, News, Reflection | Leave a comment

Have I Been Squatted URL Website

This is interesting. Came across this TLDR news about a site that can help you detect squatters to your domain. It takes a given domain and tests it against a ton of permutations of possible domain names that look similar … Continue reading

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Journal of the Week 2023-09-06

9/15/2023 Basic SEO keywords placement:1. Page title: This is the page's title as it appears on the page.2. Title tag: This is the page's title as it appears on the SERP.3. First 100 words of the page: Please make sure … Continue reading

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