Strange Fire Conference 2013

Dr. Stephen Tong is not the only one rebuking the Charismatic movement of today. There is also at the same age on the other side of the globe, John MacArthur, who wrote Charismatic Chaos.

Of course, Dr. Tong doesn't hide his criticism in books or closed conferences. He does much more evangelical works than the West.

Now the American churches will join forces in this ministry in a conference sponsored by MacArthur's Grace to You: Truth Matters Conference ministry, which holds conference just about every year.

I regret I cannot go. Perhaps they have live streaming online.

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2 Responses to Strange Fire Conference 2013

  1. Timothy Black says:

    In 1995, a tongue-talking evangelist prayed for my hip to be healed from an infirmity that I had carried almost my entire life. I began to quake and tremble, and I fell to the floor. When I sat back up, I was completely healed! No pain! About a year later, another tongue-talking evangelist walked over to where my wife was sitting during a church service, told her that she had been worried about her youngest child (who was not sitting with her at the time), but God was now healing her! Earlier that week, we rushed our daughter to the emergency room because she was having difficulty breathing--she had severe asthma. But after the evangelist spoke those words, she has never had another second of breathing trouble! Not a second! Now, I am confused as to how anyone can say the gifts ended!

  2. timlyg says:

    Some say the gifts (healing, tongue, etc.) have ended because we only need God's word now. I do not quite hold to that view (that the gifts have ended), however, there is a but...

    I am more familiar with Dr. Stephen Tong's position on this, which is that it is still around, the "Spiritual Gifts". However, he emphasized that there are many phonies around, even spiritual ones (demons at work), which he himself encountered in a few of such "miracle" rallies. True miracles of such (but not trembling and falling) usually occur in remote cultures that had not a single shred of Christian influence before, according to Dr. Tong's account. Because just like in the Bible, no one has known Christ and His power in those places. Therefore, when some "tongue-speaking evangelist" walking around or near churches making people tremble and falling instead of an amazingly thorough workshop in God's words, aligning our view of God and His attributes according to the Bible, is nothing more than entertainment.

    If you wish to understand MacArthur's stand, you can read his book "Charismatic Chaos" published in the late 70s, I believe.

    Bottom line, since the completion of the Holy Scripture, we give glory to God according to the Bible and that alone. So even in process of healing, miracles, we do not succumb to some strange phenomenon outside scripture, such as electrical trembling, rolling on the floor and other non-biblical dramas in similar cases. This is why and how the "weird" claims are dismissed, ignored but not necessarily falsified (yet, who's not to say you're healed by God coincidentally but not by tripping on the ground or a sudden cold shiver or whatever emotional high your on at that time), as the focus on the work of the Holy Spirit is only through scriptural lens. Not some popular fads or Hollywood effects.

    In summary, If God healed you, praise God. And we are not treating Christ or the Holy Spirit with any inferiority. We praise God in three persons. However, If the process (quake and tremble and falling: which were never biblical accounts for healing, but did happen biblically when someone's experiencing the wrath or judgment of God) of the healing is being emphasized, even worshipped, something is wrong, hence the term: Strange Fire. After all, its (strange fire) attractiveness is comparable to what we find in celebrity tabloids and movie effects these days, so there will be people trying to come up with more creative experiences or claims than what you could imagine or claim now. With this knowledge, we can steer clear of that which is for the itching ears.

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