
An Example of Modern Paul vs. Barnabas' mission split

On David Tong: Too quick to judge

at around @33:00 of the video below, the question asked was "Is Me time allowed". Filbert asked to clarify the definition of it first, but David immediately concluded (habitually) that it's wrong without even considering the perspective from others and responded "just answer allowed or not first then give definition (I mean, what?!)", even boldly goes as to say "even if it's a "good" me-time, it's still not allowed. Until the lady Abel interjected an example "What about me time for reading the Bible?" then everyone cheered, and perhaps David also tried to hide his defeat in silence, that is, if he did admit defeat.

Of course, this play of language rather than true meaning is not new. I've criticized others on this before, such as Alex. This is serious, because it' the kind of pride that's slipped through by the authoritarian type in a inconspicuous way. Or lack of certain holiness.

All that aside, I still like this Karawaci culture/fellowship because they do care to talk about it. When I first heard that "me time" question, my immediate response was "Me-time for God, Yes"; "Me-time for myself, No".

Why I watch these? Because I need to know after Stephen Tong, how I could trust to work with the next generation of GRII or STEMI. Unlike the others (i.e. some at CCCNY and more), I don't base my trust on status/connection, viz. oh David is Stephen Tong's son, etc.

One good take from David Tong around @42:00: On equality, Calvin said it's better to have tyranny than anarchy.

There's a point David brought up: If someone said, "If you drink alcohol then you're not Christian." Then I, who doesn't drink, would deliberately order a beer and drink in front of him. I think David supports this, but I thought at first that it sounded rebellious. However, to stand for the truth, we do have to act wisely, if acting so confirms the truth I stand for, good, if not, then maybe it's better to reserve such act for the edification of others before God.

If I were the host, instead of being stunned, I would respond: David, just to clarify, this is not to show that he's rejecting Christianity; but to prove that the statement is wrong and heretical.

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