Ben Shapiro on Jewish History

From the podcast: Here's the Truth About the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Modern Day Israel = half the size of New Jersey

1300 BCE, Joshua enters the land

1000 BCE, Kingdom of David, capital = Jerusalem, Ruins found: Ir David

957 BCE, 1st temple of Solomon, 2 kingdoms fighting. Philistines (seafaring) are not Palestinians (Arabs)

722 BCE, 1st Exile by Assyrians

586 BCE, Babylonian Exile, 1st temple destroyed. Ben emphasized that this predates Islam's claim of holy site.

515 BCE, Great Return from Babylonia, 2nd temple built (larger than the 1st).

332 BCE, Greeks took over Babylonia

166 BCE, Hanukah, Hasmonean Dynasty, Jews against Greek pagan practices in Israel

63 BCE, Rome took over. General Pompeii took over Israel, Judea is called instead of Israel, vassal state of Roman Empire until the end of Jewish Kingdom.

70 CE, destruction of Jerusalem. Jewish revolt against religious, political reasons. Siege of Masada. 2nd Temple destroyed.

130-136 CE, General Simon Bar Kokhba (son of the Star) led Jewish revolt which was defeated by Romans. Shapiro has coin from that time that says "to the freedom of Jerusalem". First time the area called Palestine as an insult to the Jews, due to the great damage the revolt caused.

313 CE, Roman Empire breaking up, now Byzantine rule.

7th Century CE, Founding of Islam.

636 CE, Arab invaded the land, Byzantine land = Christian.

1099-1291 CE, Crusaders fought to take back the land, and defeated in the end.

1291 CE, Muslims called Mamluks took over, for 200 years.

1517 CE, Ottoman Empire (Muslim) took over.

PS: Not a single independent state called Palestine since Judea. Merely territory of empires. Not considered a country, sparsely populated, even Mark Twain said it.

1517-1918 (End of World War I) CE, Ottoman Empire barred Jew settlements, cannot buy land if you are Jewish. Jews made backdoor deals (i.e. Jewish National Fund in late 19th century) with local Arabs to buy lands, because they try to escape from where they are back to their home land. There's always been Jewish presence in Hebron, Jerusalem, etc.

1882 CE, First Aliyah (to go up), Russian Jews escaping Russia.

1897 CE, Zionist movement (Independent Jewish State) began. Proto-Zionist (seen in Jewish prayer book): prayed for 3 times a day for reestablishment of Davidic Dynastic, Jewish Kingdom in Israel, by all serious Jews. Theodor Herzl formed World Zionist Organization, after changing from anti-Zionist to proponent of it when witnessing false accusation of a Jew (French soldier accused of spying for Austria-Hungarian) in the Dreyfus Affair. Trying to establish borders of Israel, in what was known as the Palestinian land since 136 CE.

1917 CE, Britain declares Israel independence.

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