The closest field that can tackle this is the creative field. Hence the word, creative. Not the logical field. Unfortunately, too many Christians today, under the influence of some prominent philosophical thinkers of the lesser Christian kind, have made use of the lower level, logic, rather than creative in apologetics.
The creator-creation distinction is that of a creative author and his work. The apologetics that ceases beyond logic cannot fathom the creative power of an author and thus, cannot perceive a Creator that is wholly distinguished from His creation. There will be jealousy, as to why they could not completely relate their logic to that of the Creator, as if why Luke Skywalker could not understand how irrelevant it is to question George Lucas' power in terms of the Star Wars universe, whose existence is on a piece of paper or in the realm of film.
The climax of such jealousy is to deny the reality of something. For some, it is to deny God. For others, it is to deny the reality of Star Wars within its story. Either way, one must deny his own gifted creative power to some extend that breaks relationship with God or self.