Journal of the Week

8/30/2023 Web UX guide

8/29/2023 Ai tools for programming:

  1. Phind
  3. Codeium
  4. ColPat
  5. RegExGPT

Reflection: September is coming. It marks the last time Stephen Tong STEMI will host their rally in East Coast (or entire) USA. I will be going to as much of the 4 week events as I can. Hopefully I get to ask Tong questions or converse or seek if there are likeminded servants of God. I shall start this in D.C. the first weekend of September. Nadia booked flight for me already and I had finished booking two hotels back to back for the DC event. The next week after this would be held in Philadelphia, then Boston, then New York. CCCNY hosts the New York one and I am not sure if I would be going, at least not the one for the rally, since CCCNY is known to be anti-gospel-centered. They were going to have a choir like back in 2008 but then canceled. It is curious because of all the cities in U.S., Rev. Lin's church would be the best candidate to present great choir, being situated in a talented location (i.e. music, Columbia University, etc. and being so close to Lincoln Center and Julliard, yet, the fruit is zero. They have had talented members before, yet none could glorify God in this. Such is the problem of the leadership here. The problem lies not with the members but the leaders.

8/24/2023 The Psychology of Color in UX:

8/23/2023 I don't mean to sound snobby, but in America, I generally don't assume anyone around me in public a Christian. Because most people who claim themselves Christians have little clue what Christianity really is. Moreover, American Christianity is mostly cultish, as Samuel Ling once put it.

AI and Music - Having the AI generate music from text. Example: Apple app: Songburst

Cookies vs. LocalStorage - Similar but not the same.

VidCutter may be a good replacement for ShotCut as video editor. ShotCut wasn't hard but I haven't figured out how to keep the same video resolutions in the productions.

A.I. GodMode - one single chat, all AI response.

Learn three.js

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