4/17/2024 That ringing sound in our ears from time to time, seems to be connected to tinnitus. And apparently there's a $4000 cure (sort of) for it, called Lenire. Apparently more of a nuisance for musicians. I would like to learn about this ringing sound that happens to me from time to time, since I was very young. I am quite sure others have the same experience.
Chart on Software Developer's salary around the world in 2023.

4/16/2024 Last week, Al showed me the Sunshine Conference Room for Marketing's podcasting. I was tasked to set this up. Cool toys: Rodecaster Pro 2 (uses microSD), SHURE SM7dB mic, SRH440A headphones, AS01 Microphone Arm Stand, Panasonic HC-V785 Wifi digital Video Camcorder with tripod, Greenscreen IKAN HS-GS76, HomeStream IKAN HS-LR6 LED lights and arm stand. If you wonder how easy it is to add applause and such in live stream podcast, Rodecaster is your answer.
4/13/2024 NJBible.Church, First Bible Church in Matawan, I don't know this church, but I mark it down because they were willing to drop of some flyers and a the Gospel of John at our door. This church meets at some elementary school in Matawan (401 Lloyd Rd, Matawan, NJ 07747). Looks like your typical fundamentalist, baptist type.
Registered Hoopla thanks to Sadie Pope Dowdell Library. This resource is perhaps very good for audio books. Expanding my digital library resources, locally.