Sunday Service 4/21/2024

Sunday School: The Israel of God. I can't help but wondering if the pastor's view was a mixture of Covenantal and dispensational (or remnant shadow of dispensational) theology: as sometimes there seems to be some creeping in of a bilateral ingredient of the/a covenant. Despite his desire to go fully covenant of grace. The true reformed understanding of God's covenant with man from before Adam to now and beyond is a unilateral one, not bilateral. There's no bargaining with God, so to speak. What God commands are what is to be of God's people, they are not conditions: as if if you don't do this, you are not God's people, if you do this you are. It should be more of a: God's people will do this or be disciplined to do this. Two very different thought approaches.

Sermon: 1 Corinthians 11:17-34 Mystic Sweet Communion

P: Church service is not about learning new things, but about the Gospel...
I would push back and say that it should be about learning new things, because God is rich in His Gospel, filling us new desire in seeking Him through learning and worshipping Him. God is beyond, not fathomable, so this learning is forever.

P: I'll be surprised that there will be members who disagree with your political views.
An interesting and good observation. I think it's healthy to be the case. However, I would focus on the word "surprised". It shows that this church doesn't fellowship well together, otherwise, it should not be a surprise, in true fellowship. This my own minor observation, because the surprise maybe for those who do not fellowship with us or outside of this church.

The pastor shared his "boringness", "weirdness" to indicate his eventual passion about worship. It sounded like a lacking in the understanding of general revelation. Willy even thought the pastor admitted his faults in his choice of words: "boringness", "weirdness", that the pastor was asking for help to make his life more interesting. A complete 180 degree turn in understanding the pastor, something common for those who have ears but do not listen (think: Becky Wang on Tim Keller's comment on LGBT - that she thought Keller was supporting LGBT).

Hymns to learn 4 parts singing: #264 Lift High the Cross, #347 The Church's One Foundation, #731 Doxology, #535 O The Deep Deep Love of Jesus.

Annual GM Meeting at end of service, financial report 2023 vs 2024 budget: For 2023, Facility rental really did help, about 12% of total income. SREC (Solar Renewable Energy Credits) also made about 2.7% of total income, the rest was from general tithes and offerings. Pastoral salary (30% of total 2023 expenses) raise is budgeted at 6%, which is decent as the average American annual raise is 3%-6%.

An overall view, I think it's healthy so far. The 2023 expense vs. income ratio was about 86:100. However, I think due to the church's lack of outreach, evangelism, it is not good to rely on givings from rich folks, if any. Most of the folks I know personally who are more active in a more Gospel-centered lifestyle are not rich. If that is so, this is a problem. As it is the same kind of problem with many American churches - their display of financial stability comes from some form of inheritance: grandfathering, loyalty, altruism (think Uzzah's lending hand) or otherwise.

There's 10% of total expenses for missions in 2023. However, these are mostly for supporting missions. That is fine, but since this church lacks its own outreach mission (we tried one last year), it is a problem. A church that doesn't evangelize is a suiciding church, this principle is not even about numbers. But having her own basic/general missions, it would cost the church virtually nothing financial wise (I'm talking about money for signboards, flyers, printing, which aren't even necessary most of the times). The culture has also affected this: It's either Seminary -> pastors/paid profession or not at all. No concept of volunteerism unless it's for some environmental/feast related cause. But this church does have a few into evangelism, which is good, I hope that spirit does not die down. Gospel supporting is different than Gospel centering. Gospel centeredness is more active than Gospel supporting, which alone, is just a self-justification to be complacent without going out to evangelize themselves.

The comfort in evangelism in today's condition (just believe, why think, why argue, why debate, etc.) is this: I get to tell people/new converts that "When you come to church, my church, church folks may not be as smart as you, but do remind yourself that God is certainly no dumber than you..."

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