The Happenings

Many things have come to past. A year's end is near.

I have gotten married on September 29th 2012. My dad and my brother visited. Now all members of my immediate family have stepped foot in the States. I tried my best to bring my dad and brother to tour the best spots of the New York City, giving them the best hospitality (thanks to Tante Lyna), despite the short week they could spend after my wedding. We didn't get time for the Empire State Building and the Brooklyn Promenade. I tried to console myself: That's for NYC tour part 2.

The move from Flushing to the Bronx wasn't much of a hassle. I did not intend to move much, due to my general principle of move only what's needed, throw away the rest in spite of their cost. However, Nadia insisted to have some the storage we rent for all 3 of us (with Nadia's brother - my brother-in-law). Credit goes to Nadia for finding an incredible deal on Craigslist for a Queen-size bed frame. $150! (used). The seller in Queens was replacing it for a king-size and had to get rid of this one ASAP. The timing couldn't have been better. Prior to this, Nadia and I had looked into other deals and almost bought one king-size (We then realized it may not fit our studio space) used low bed (Japanese floor-bed style) for $200  (a price she managed to bargain from $300, I think).

The move caused me to seriously consider moving my journal to a host instead of myself, my own server because the ISP at Nadia's place blocked port 80. Godaddy offers free basic WWW hosting space, which I wasn't really aware of before.

WordPress was my choice over lifetype after the move as it has more support in both elegance and technicality. Moreover, wordpress has an Android App.

And now the church. I must swift our focus and priority, now that I am married and that the plan is to stay in the States, towards FELLOWSHIP (κοινωνία). It is no longer just serving, serving until saying goodbye. My responsibility is now raised to my new family and the surrounding community: In regards to the relationship and the impact between my family and my community. This is something CCCNY cannot provide. MacArthur had it right when he said the Reformed (American) churches are poor practically in ecclesiology.

There can be no fellowship if there is no pursuit of theology. For men do not fellowship with dogs.

Not that Redeemer is flawless and that she troubles me not. I recant not the things I had said about Dr. Timothy Keller. I believe this PCA branch closely resembles what many recognizes to be "the emergent" movement. Which is sad, very sad.

Nevertheless, Redeemer's evangelical vision encouraged me to have hope in them. May God have mercy on us.

I do not see myself involving much with Redeemer's didactic. If necessary, I shall take it God's calling to come out and start a reformed, orthodox church. Thus far, I rather watch and where they fail, watch where they succeed, so the advantage is on my side.

Had the two at CCCNY gotten me a prostitute for wife, as I had hinted them, I might have stayed, as it shows their turning to evangelical zeal from the dead zone of American reformed church movement of today. I didn't think they have it in them and I was right, sadly. Though my time is not wasted, as God had healed many through even the likes of Judas Iscariot, He has given me a wife through CCCNY.

In spite of CCCNY's shortcomings, I have learned to love it. Hence, it is merely a priority switch, not abandonment of nor transference from it. I will still do most of the works that I do at this Chinese community...and am watching them.

My main church is: Redeemer and CCCNY. This pun works should anyone say to me: Your church is so small and dead...I shall easily reply, you should take another look at my church, Redeemer. And if they tell me: You need to be in a church among Chinese, sing hymns and not jazz, etc. I would say: I believe my church CCCNY is just that. Win-Win for me. Bottom line, this joke plays well against those who are too narrow minded in ecclesiology. As John Wesley said: "The world is my parish", all His churches in the city are my parish.

Beginning next year, a new church, a new life. I am now reminded of the first time I heard my wife sleeping next to me. That moment was unforgettably sweet as I heard her breathing unconsciously just moments after saying good night. I felt a new trust and hope for a good new day. I am no longer a mere observer who merely judges marriages but a participant in this holy bed before God's mercy.

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3 Responses to The Happenings

  1. timlyg says:

    I had thought that the first cause of caution at this church was when the pastor saw my participation and performance of the New York Oratorio Society singing Messiah was more about the singing than the Gospel.

    But come to think of it, I have learned enough through past experience to be cautious even when the pastor cannot respond correctly to when I first told her I wish I could be a missionary, enroll in a seminary. Despite all kinds of supports, the only right response to this should have been: Why? And I would reply: Because I am a Christian. And much interesting development could happen in the following conversation. Unfortunately, this did not happen, as with other pastors and Christian friends.

    Thus, those shallow ones who follow this formula of trust "supporting" missionaries; or those jealous and always skeptical types who follow "proof yourself before I support" formula, will always fail at my "test". For if they are honest and humble, they would ask me, "are you saying that all Christians should enroll in seminaries and become missionaries". Then I would be given the opportunity to gladly educate them.

  2. timlyg says:

    A friend of mine wished that I clarify what do I mean by "marrying a prostitute".

    I believe a handful would react to my statement by saying: "So you think the others (we) are less than a prostitute?"
    To which I would respond: "You've said it".

    I am calling the bluff of many "converts" over a prostitute's conversion. I am being skeptical not without reason, but with reasons. Proof it? Just go watch preachers I've been promoting such as Paul Washer, etc.

  3. timlyg says:

    Re: Domestic Dispute
    Well, at least she sleeps very quickly in the aftermath; while I would need to take a couple of sleeping pills if I ever believe in those things.

    A kiss on the forehead, as usual, every night before my nap, shall I attempt.

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