Redeemer's Rise Campaign

I do not know what's the big deal about this program. We've received the RISE Mission Investor Guide (about 44 pages). It is basically trying to persuade us to join, probably by financial support is preferred. Lots of $$$ mentioned. Some interesting facts are listed:
Hunter College Rent (2000 capacity auditorium + 20 classrooms + fellowship hall), one day a week:
2012: $932k / yr
2016: $1.37 million / yr
2020: $2 million / yr, by an estimate of 47% increase.
W83 (7 days a week, annual cost):
$1.73 million: Mortgage +
$350k: Operating costs (after rental revenue)

The funding is for all sorts of programs with focus on planting more churches.

the word "Gospel" is thrown in the book very frequently. The bold statement: Church planting is the most effective method of evangelism [pg. 18]. This couldn't be more wrong. A church certainly has evangelical effect, but it is neither the most effective (preaching the Gospel directly is the most effective), nor a method (Start meditating on the Body of Christ).

Lots of statements from those who are "IN" saying that their goal is to spread love. One could just remove the word Jesus or God and their statements still make sense, in the liberal sense.

Dr. Keller on pg. 37: "... it would be a miracle for an orthodox church like Redeemer..." I think Redeemer is hardly orthodox now. But I do believe miracles happen here.

A few weeks ago, during the service, they, including Dr. Keller liked to use "gift-matching" as incentive. Frankly I am skeptical of many who gives, including the gift-matchers. Do they really know what they are giving their money for? Or do they just want to show off (Yes, even anonymous givers can be showing off). There's an good article from criticizing donation matching. The excuse of "encouraging" people to give is utter nonsense, not to mention this creates corruption in fellowship among brothers and sisters.

My next question for Tim Keller during his future Q&A tweets would be: What do you think of Social Gospel?

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