Category Archives: Questions

The erroneous criticism of "Doesn't fit a mathematical equation"

Since I came to Grace Church (Bridgewater), there's these sayings going around: "Life is not science", "The math folks won't get this", "You can't explain this with mathematical equations", etc. I think these stupid phrases come not from this church … Continue reading

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偷工减料, 技术债务 =(Technical debt)

偷工减料, 技术债务 =(Technical debt), material debt? => Technical and material debt.

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Journal of the Week

5/2/2024 This is certainly the fastest way to transplant nursery plants: long handled bulb/plant planter transplanter. 5/1/2024 Printing music with CSS Grid. I love writing music, I love doing this on the computer. Perhaps this is worth learning. The … Continue reading

Posted in Computer Science, Geography, Mathematics, Questions, Travel | Leave a comment

Journal of the Week

4/12/2024 A thorough tutorial on Git, Github, etc. 4/10/2024 Anydesk failed to load on Windows XP at NYGC (printer ID Card) because first: clock's out of sync, 2nd, I installed Anydesk so despite uninstallation and fixing the clock, it still … Continue reading

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Dental Insurance Terminology

I thought I had written it down early this year when I visited the dentist for my root canal. I asked for the terminology used to check the remaining balance I have out of my annual maximum from my dental … Continue reading

Posted in Biology, Questions, Technical | Leave a comment

Have I Been Squatted URL Website

This is interesting. Came across this TLDR news about a site that can help you detect squatters to your domain. It takes a given domain and tests it against a ton of permutations of possible domain names that look similar … Continue reading

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Weekly-ish updates

Japan allowing copyrighted materials for A.I. training. This is interesting in that I have always stand against the whole world on this: That there is no such thing as intellectual properties. I just never thought of it coming from the … Continue reading

Posted in Astronomy, Computer Science, Questions, Technical | Leave a comment

The 2023 Trip Home

4/17 Monday (NJ time) The last time we went home was in 2017. This time, 6 years later, for family financial reason in Indonesia, I’m typing on the flight towards Frankfurt in SIA (Singapore Airline’s SQ25). Currently 4 hours away … Continue reading

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Reformed Forum had a live interview today with the two authors (Cory Brock, Nathaniel Sutanto) of their book, Neo-Calvinism, My question posted in the meet did not get answered: Hopefully not going too off topic, but since we mentioned "Eschatology … Continue reading

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Sunday Service Recap - 10/30/2022

Sermon on Colossians 4:7-15 Reflection verse: Philippians 2:1-3 v. 14: [Interesting that Calvin does not identify Luke here as the Evangelist, noting that the Evangelist would be too well known to stand in need of such a designation.] Demas here … Continue reading

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