Sermon - Stephen Tong Sunday Service 7/12/2020 Matthew 5:38-42 (Part 2)

Our love is passive; Our hate is active: If you treat me well I'll treat you well, but if you treat me bad, I'll treat you worse. Injustice everywhere.

Hammurabi stone recorded oldest? code for equality in "vengeful treatment".

Gen 9:6: 凡流人血的,他的血也必被人所流...

Tong: Don't say "Sermon on the mount" in Bahasa Indonesia. This is "ajaran yang bermutu tinggi to atas bukit". (Following the better phrase used in Chinese 登山宝训 I supposed we should say The high doctrines on the mount)

v. 39 不要与恶人作对: 慈善家赚大笔钱,但只捐一小部分,动机是要消灭自己良心的控告。 But actually sinning upon sins. Because now you're seeking for men's praise, you're doing this for your own credit.

Peribadi dengan peribadi 人与人关系:汉武帝 most respected by all, promoted 儒家思想, so everyone followed 孔子.

孔子: 以德报德,以直报怨。(Highest ethics in Confucius)

老子: (Better than Confucius) 以德报怨 《道德经》六十三章. Closest to Jesus' Love Thy Enemy (next passage).

v. 39 - v. 42, shows that our lives / rights are not autonomous. My life is controlled by their wickedness.

What kind of rights that was taken by wicked men?
1. dignity
2. rights
3. One's action being persecuted
4. One's property

When one rugi in the above 4, one will live a rebellious life.

v. 39, our face is the most valuable part in our whole live. When struck on the right cheek in public, it's most shameful. This is very close to 老子?? (孔子)'s 君子成人之美. And they usually do not strike back anymore as they realize something wrong, even though they won't admit it and would still blame you instead.

Why one doesn't repent, because he hasn't done enough bad.

Why Jesus didn't turn his cheek? 不是字义解经。What then? The wicked will only satisfy if he continues sinning. Just like when Peter denied Christ until Christ turned and looked upon him, and his conscience rebuked him. (Luk 22:61). So beware, when needed, let the wicked continue, for only then will they satisfy.

The courts: Force you to confess.
The Holy Spirit: calls the world (not just Christians) to rebuke themselves concerning sin, righteousness and judgment. (Chinese version seems better than "convict" - 叫世人为罪、为义、为审判,自己责备自己。) John 16:8

Repentance begins from the rebuke of one's conscience.

v. 39, done unto you without reason. Just need to satisfy his wickedness.

v. 40, now with reason. Sues because he covets you. Your properties. My dignity, rights, are being abused. But Christ teach so. Maybe you have something that he caught, so when your relationship between him and your properties are being presented before the courts, just give him what he wants, and even more than he demands.

v. 41, Who can compel you so? By one Roman law only (The Romans expand rule by expansion, not by violent force against the enemies but by subduing the enemies into becoming their territories). Rome began 753 years before Christ, as republic, when Christ was born, the Roman system became imperialist, with Augustus (Octavianus) as first emperor. Augustus = born in August. (side info: Octav = 8, Septimus = 9, thus, these Roman emperors changed 10 to 8, 9 to 7, 12 to 10, affecting Roman laws in such numbering), thus when Augustus became emperor, all must register (i.e. Mary & Joseph). Thus, for the long journey of the soldiers in expansion, they can compel people to go a mile for them with their yoke. How to tell one mile has been reached? There were Milestones on Roman roads. It's used in the East as well: 里程碑。Melting your enemy's heart, becoming your friend.

Christ, the greatest revolutionist, using love to defeat evil. Using kindness against the enemies. Today the world needs a society that is awakened by conscience.

v. 42, showing that he's getting really weak now. GRII helps their musicians in finance, monthly. GRII did to the orchestra what other orchestras in the world couldn't achieve.

From these verses, Christianity is from the passive motive (being struck, etc.) to the active motive (turn the other cheek, .etc.) The enemies after your active response, may become passive instead.

Tong mentioned Martin, the organist who borrowed money from Tong for a project but ran away. Then the video gets cut as Tong inquired of it from the interpreter...wish they stop cutting like this...another good reason if they stop streaming, I should just hire a secret recorder. Hopefully, all these done within Tong's life time. Of course, it may be a good deal to cut this part in this case (although they should have cut the whole section about mentioning Martin) as according to the interpreter, Martin may not be gone, but it is just a matter of time due to the Covid-19. My take of this is: If this talk gets to Martin, it may have broken his relationship with GRII/Tong. This shows that relationship is very vulnerable to when it comes to money when the money is being treated as trust.

Therefore, a bullied Christian is very hard to be.

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One Response to Sermon - Stephen Tong Sunday Service 7/12/2020 Matthew 5:38-42 (Part 2)

  1. timlyg says:

    Khotbah Bahasa Indonesia

    On human rights being trampled:
    Lean-Jacques Rousseau's The Social Contract results in the French Revolution. Read here.

    Richard Pratt: Jesus is the only one who holds nothing for himself in his whole life, and he gives everything he has to us.

    Iskandar Agung (Alexander the Great) distributed the spoils of wars to his generals, not himself. But compared to Jesus, Iskandar Agung killed, Jesus didn't kill.

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