Sermon - Stephen Tong Sunday Service 01/17/2021 Matthew 7:12

Opening Hymn:

2nd Hymn:

3rd Hymn:

范仲淹: 先天下之憂而憂,後天下之樂而樂

Active vs. Passive good.

My note: Problem in today's America, the average are in the have, fewer have nots. Jesus' message here is ill-taken as a twisted motive: That I need something from others, so I do good unto them, so no one does it, for they think they are content, they prefer complacency, their pride prevented them. But the motive should not be so.

Immanuel Kant's "Act according to the maxim that you would wish all other rational people to follow, as if it were a universal law" My take is, though some say this is an improvement to the Golden Rule, it's rather a clarification of it, for in no way Jesus was referring to masochists nor sadists, obviously. The these sinners, it's been taken care already elsewhere in the Bible (Psalm 1:1, for example). This also shows that the Word of God is not trapped in human language.

My take of what's mentioned by Tong's habitual critique on Watchman Nee's "神叫我们犯律法", we are not questioning his motive being a wicked one, but after briefly searching this online, it appears that 倪柝声 fell for the Chinese fallacy: "不知者无罪", while the doctrine of the Bible is: 不知者有罪. Because there's no such thing as "不知者". Psalm 19:12. The fear of the LORD is required for this correction.

Last Hymn:

Chinese Service:

John Dewey, whose pragmatism ruined China, said something similar to the Bible: know the end result in order to decide how you act. Bible: Deu 32:29 唯愿他们有智慧,能明白这事,肯思念他们的结局!

君子求诸己,小人求诸人 - 孔子 Don't ask others to respect you, or you will be low class.

Why God sent the law?

Negative function of the given law: Rom 3:18-20:
1. we not boast.
2. prostate before God in guilt.
3. Realize that we are helpless / be judged.

Positive function of the given law: Gal 3:24 ...训蒙的师傅...schoolmaster, guide...
In the OT, God gave the law as well as prophets. And they killed the prophets, that's it. The law taught: Love others as yourself; The Prophets taught: Repent yourself then you can contribute ethically in the society.
In the NT, law and prophets prepare the world for Christ. Love with the love of Christ from above. Christ raised our love higher than the "love others as yourself" shown in the OT.

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