Category Archives: Vocabularies

Journal of the Week

7/18/2024 Microsoft's own AI Designer App (in Edge). Probably some free credits daily using my free personal account, for some AI art. 7/17/2024 My company's first podcast. I set up the room per my manager. Not sure why the … Continue reading

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Vocabulary: 无视法律;秉公执法; 人之常情

如果不是合乎你心意,那是无视法律;要是合乎你心意,那就是秉公执法。 人之常情: Human nature Learned from Youtuber @9:15

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Learning Hindi Language

Apparently, Duolingo may not have the current capacity to cover the complexity of Hindi. A better recommended (by the above link) way to learn Devanagari Script is

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Vocabulary: 勇猛と無謀は違う

There is a difference between bravery and recklessness. Source: Kingdom 2 (2022) Japanese film.

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Vocabulary:朱门酒肉臭 路有冻死骨

Rich doors have rotten wine and steak; while the streets are filled with frozen corpses. The rich vs. poor. 出自唐代杜甫的《自京赴奉先县咏怀五百字》

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偷工减料, 技术债务 =(Technical debt)

偷工减料, 技术债务 =(Technical debt), material debt? => Technical and material debt.

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Vocabulary: 职场鏖战

Struggling hard in the job fields.

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Vocabulary: 滴水之恩,当以涌泉相报

Of course, the Bible has superior quotes in the theme of love your enemies: Matthew 5:44, Romans 12:20, 1 Peter 3:9 滴水之恩,当以涌泉相报 Returning favor in multiple folds. Source of this learning:

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Journal of the Week

2/28/2024 I asked about quality Xun 埙 (ancient chinese ocarina) before on youtube a while back. The one I have from Ebay back in 2019 was $6 (8-hole clay) after watching 鹿晗's series: 择天记. I believe it was out of … Continue reading

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Vocabulary: Voluminous, Credence, Proviso

Thanks to extensions on Chrome, I can easily double click on a word in say, the email newsletters from Classical Archives on Tchaikovsky to learn words I either don't know or don't know how to pronounce. Voluminous: large volume Credence: … Continue reading

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