What's Happening until Now

The America First caucus - is what many so called Far-Right, conservative, Republicans are trying to form/join. It's for upholding the white Anglo-Saxon tradition in America and putting heavy restrictions on immigrations. This reminds me of Malaysia's Hak Keistimewaan for orang Melayu. I sure am curious how this will play out should they win. But even former House Speaker John Boehner (Republican) criticized against it. I wouldn't be surprised many of the ones I have come to know in America as Christians would support it. Of course, I'm not talking about U.S. immigrants. At this point, America's diversity is strong enough to deflect this kind of idea, even though I welcome them to form it, because I'm sure they won't get much support, as long as the people are smart enough to see where it is leading. These people I'm referring to are obviously not the minority of nonchalant low IQ type who wouldn't even know when they are being criticized.

Derek Chauvin's verdict: guilty on 3 counts. I could only base my opinion from experts like Ben Shapiro. I'm not going to study this myself. It sounds to me that Chauvin's verdict is ridiculous in that at most, he's guilty only on one count: 2nd degree manslaughter. 2nd degree murder (non-premeditated intent to murder) is debatable, but 3rd degree murder (depraved-heart murder), which is not used in most states, shouldn't be on the docket as Shapiro puts it. It's the kind of charge against someone who intent to cause harm but there's no specific target. So while there's no looting, I think the BLM celebrations are still a sign of showing off of BLM or post-modernist superiority and dictatorship. They ran the street yesterday on 34th street as I was going home from work, though appear to be harmless. I love Greg Gutfeld's (of Fox News) remark: That he was happy that the trial found Chauvin guilty on all 3 charges, EVEN IF he wasn't guilty on all 3. It's witty and gutsy. I had to read the articles carefully just to be sure I was on the same page as him, because very few people would be smart and brave enough to come up with this kind of sarcasm. Most liberals would jump on "YES" at the first part of his statement, but after listening to his 2nd part, they all suddenly cringed...HaHaHa! Why? Because if they agree completely, that means they would have to admit the unspoken truth Gutfeld was delivering: That the court is a circus. The Jury may very well be intimidated by the threat of looting and therefore be responsible for the country going up in flames. The court does not look at the evidence, making rash decision like this in matter of a few weeks. Even Ben Shapiro could predict the outcome seeing such quick conclusion for the verdict.

On the side note, Derek's tax evasion and complaints of his aggressions have also been dug up. His wife filed for divorce just after the murder. Interestingly, his wife is of Asian descent, Hmong people, from Laos. My quick summary is that Kellie Chauvin's bio tells me that she's likely just looking for better life herself, if there's nothing fishy behind their divorce. However, I wouldn't dismiss possible hardship she has struggled in her life, I had hoped that she would stay in the marriage to support her husband. But then of course, I don't know the Chauvins, how's Derek's character.

The victims of racism think the result of this case gave them comfort somehow. However, I think they are greatly erred. Yes, racism exists, but this may be far from it. If they want to see justice against racism, maybe try moving to Utah or any white people populated area and see how the challenge will be. Now I better not cross a line here, for I would be committing the sin of Balaam. The fine line between love for the children of God and pleasure for wickedness must be drawn here. This is a caution, that perhaps the worst has yet to come. There may be a great civil battle coming in USA.

I noticed that the region of China along Northern India (Mainly North-Eastern along the Brahmaputra river), Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan, Afghanistan & Tajikistan, must have some very good weather areas that are not too hot or not too cold year round. These would be around the valleys surrounding the Himalayans. Because the mountains are always super cold, but when descending to the foot, the temperature would have to drop to the tropical zone, so somewhere in between must be like paradise. Oh well, I'll leave this as a question for my future self to explore further.

What happens when children of great men cannot live up to their fathers' standards or fame? They sell their fathers' books to survive.

I noticed a lot of new generation (around my generation and younger) preachers/preacher-denier-wannabe (such as Alex) are only good at disseminating information rather than coming up with real original work of their own. Praising others rather than doing a project of their own. They would probably call it...humility or standing on the shoulders of giants.

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