Sermon - Stephen Tong Sunday Service 05/02/2021 Rev. 2:24-29

Chinese Version:

On Thyatira.

Tong expected India would have the highest Covid19 cases here.

Tong brought up John MacArthur again, stated that he's not reformed, but famous among the reformed as a kind person. This time, it appears that Tong was admiring John MacArthur's persistence, in addition to now MacArthur's church also cautioned hygiene rules. This time, Tong said he was "shocked" at first, rather than criticizing MacArthur "Don't be proud". Tong said that he has not heard any Covid case at MacArthur's church.

Although, after a quick research, I find that there's some negative light on MacArthur's church. These are resources I believe I can trust, because Warren Throckmorton is a legitimate source. It's not too serious, only that there are reports that MacArthur was lying about members not getting Covid, members being discouraged to report their covid infection, that they are actually encouraging mask wearing and requiring signing of a waver form. I think there's a deeper root of the problem unique to Americans, I don't know how or who Pak Tong has been listening to about this, but I wouldn't blame too much on him for all this misinformation and apparent recantation of his criticism.

The Bible is 3500 years old (starting with Moses' text), oldest than any religious text.

India's Kumbh Mela river that's used for purification (forgiveness) is now polluted by nuclear waste, thanks to India's nuclear technology.

Because the vaccine for Covid19 is close to the HIV medication, therefore, Tong said that those who are sexually immoral (homosexual), unclean, unholy, are easily affected than those with are not. If this continues, 1/10 of population will be lost. Now, India is in trouble with the pandemic.

v.28 耶稣最后一句话:我又要把晨星赐给他...晨星是谁?就是另一个地方讲的公义,就是耶稣基督自己。耶稣要把他自己的生命,荣耀赐给跟随他的人。

Indonesian Version:

What is the Cross? Jesus' cross vs. our cross: very different.

Christ's cross, He needs it not, it's a substitution for others; our cross, it's the requirement of Christians.

Our cross: duty, responsibility, we should suffer, bear, the will of God.

Cross is not a sin. It's the burden of requirement. Good result, if truly obey and be faithful to God. The burden is never more than the grace of God.

Victor not because no enemies, but because overcame enemies. Victory is not yet, but promised.

Tong won't send his children to schools that do not provide struggle.

MacArthur's name's mentioned, only this time, it's like Tong's praising him for boldness, rather than being too proud as Tong had once said. MacArthur: "Come to church, we obey God, more than worldly authority."

My note: At this point, I am uncertain if Tong was aware of the American's Fundamentalist vs. Reformed situations. Perhaps just on the surface, since he doesn't live here.

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