Thought of the Week

Made Moroccan Boneless Leg of Lamb today (5/31) Sunday, Gordon Ramsay style. It's ok for me. Learned to make gravy (brown sauce) bought from Walmart (but not part of Gordon's recipe). Supposed to be made for Easter. Learned to make the vinaigrette lemon sauce. Apparently, Gordon's crazy about using olive oil in this one. I had only Avocado oil on my hand. I mistook the oven heat to be 400 degree, but realized it was supposed to be 300 degree after 10 minutes in. So the meat is medium well to well done. Sort of. I prefer medium rare.

Exploding weed seeds: Secret = Slap Bracelets! I need to find time in the backyard looking for these. Not even aware of such weeds, but I think I've seen these everywhere, just not aware of their "exploding" ability.

When I thought that I could handle piloting in a jet, I could be wrong, as I would not be aware of the imbalance between the sight and what my internal biological instruments are sensing at such altitude as well as speed.

Not perpetual motion, but the idea of maximizing the source of energy to a point even Physics professors won't believe it, hence "magic". Here's how not to use wind as sail to the propellers, but to turn the propellers into a fan from the wheels to generate push.

Stephen Tong's "support" in U.S.A. seems to be rather small or none in existence anymore. Before it was Jahja Ling, but what happened? Don't know. David Tong was leading the Boston or Pennsylvania group, I think, now, don't know. It looks like their sojourns have all ended in U.S.A. when they achieved their ultimate goal of a good life or at least to get the Citizenship/Greencard benefit, and now they instead of conquering for God in this country, they all cabut back to Indonesia, or at least spend most of their time and energy there, where they call home. So when these names came up, I shouldn't think of them as Christians who serve in U.S.A. despite what they are doing here in U.S.A., if they do. I just simply think of the symbol "?".

When you (usually Western reformed theologians) talk too much about theories, formulations from your thinking, without examples, things get very confusion. Then it's better to just be a mathematician...a theoretical one. I noticed that many Pentecostal preachers were able to get their points across to the crowd, be it good or bad points, because they give very clear examples and illustrations. The reformed preachers, fearing that their examples would be generalized or misinterpreted or absolutized or abused, forbid themselves to share much examples, but then they are absolutizing their words, their definitions, their language.

If one cannot love the closer things of God (i.e. Scripture, theology, etc.) more than the further things (i.e. vacation destinations, self-indulgences), then one does not mean it, when one says "I love God".

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