
Was the cop crazy or caring - could be trying to protect us from some kind of tornado as we come back from the Delaware Water Gap missing the supposedly fun fall foliage hike due to rain. On I-80 coming near the Interstate 80 East Scenic Lookout. The cop swerve left and right slowing us down at one point, maybe there's some animal crossing?

One thing about Stephen Tong is that he is able to JUSTLY discern and attack on the answers to his questions. Something many, including his own son, is not capable of.

Now I have to delve into Revelation, James (with Tong's video series), and John's Gospel (with Tong's both Chinese and Indonesian series), and actually Hebrews too. For that's what our church at Grace PCA is doing now. We're done with James, but I'm only at chapter 2 with Tong's series. I need to draw a better picture on Revelation for my own sake. I have enough great resources to do all these. I also really hope for an opportunity to talk to certain church folks, but had not gotten the chance, either that, or I lack courage.

Lots of ecclesiastical events led me to reflect upon the past. Yes, I would still make Chinese churches my priority place of worship. Unless, that these churches have failed miserably in the tenets of the Gospel, which is very much the case in the United States. The chief reason I believe, is they are immigrants and therefore they make America their heaven, their ultimate paradise, which they have achieved. Everything else is superficial: The talk of God's Kingdom, the end times, holiness, righteousness, the Gospel, they are only for the academics or those who want to be "monks"...oops, excuse me, I meant those who want to be preachers. And if someone loves God's word more than others, their solution is - send him to seminary and become pastor. Can a regular Christian not love the Lord and grows in theology without being bothered to go become a pastor? especially when he's not called? 谁说对上帝有追求的一定要上神学?相反的,谁说念神学的一定要去当传道牧师?The foolishness of these really renders me speechless at times. My only conclusion - Materialism. Selfishness. And Christianity (not Jesus) is their mask to cover these.

Thus, my first of such was in Stony Brook, lots of drama, CCF's like childish social club with a religion title, the main pastor did try, but cabut in the end when the trouble hits home (having to lose the house to the Ex).

Then I briefly looked at some charismatic oriented ones: i.e. Flushing's Faith Bible Church. They love to preach the Gospel, I'll give them that, the only condition I allow myself to join any prayer meetings. But with Charismatics and the songs they sing, one easily falls into materialism, no surprise there, but I supposed this is a necessary but negative tool of God which I would be wise to keep a certain distance from.

Then it was CCCNY, seemed reformed, but actually not, because it's not even Gospel centered. When the pastor justified white lies, I had put on my guard. During Stephen Tong's Rally, I've realized that the pastor doesn't really care about the Gospel, but only to show "support" for a famous ministry. When she tried to promote Alex over Michael for Tong, out of knowing Alex longer than Michael, she failed miserably when Alex left the preaching ministry to live in ivory tower and her jealous against Michael grew as he advanced to becoming a preacher. She had to kick him out, probably because she was trying to promote me over Michael in the church or in whatever, among other childish reasons, I told her that the year after my wedding with Nadia at the church, we'll leave this church for good. Instead of asking why or show any care, the word seemed to spread in the church that we left because Nadia didn't understand the language in the church, even though she did attend it for 4 years. For not TRULY loving (the Gospel), making false accusation, justifying white lies, though none of which were done directly against me, would I ever want to pick up the pastor's torch? No, I would spit on it first, then I would clarify and confirm I wasn't even called for this. And even if I was called to such ministry, there is nothing they can do to stop me (much less to promote me), for they would only face the might of God against their feeble attempt.

Then There was the Chinese American Bible church in Monmouth. Charismatic oriented, but I noticed at least one who led the fellowship was really enthusiastic about the Word. Because of the type of prom-night-with-Jesus music and Self-Help topic type of sermons, I put this church as a backup church when we stumbled upon Bridgewater's PCA Grace Community Church.

I did visit Rutger's famous and biggest Chinese church, RCCC. Sermon was not biblical, not impressed. If they have small groups or other leaders who are sola scriptura, I will find them at later times. I'm done looking for now.

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