Weekly Journal

2/14/2023 ways to make money, sign up for https://www.classaction.org/settlements

All kinds of class-action lawsuits, one maybe actually get paid for, from a few dollars to $100+ according to BeatTheBush video below:

2/10/2023 Went to LFS (Aquatic Obsessions) to get:
2x $70 Hippo Tangs 1"
2x $25 Bluestreak Cleaner Wrasses
3x $14 Chromis
Cash paid $80 for a Lemon Tang (was hopeful that this would eat my green hair algae)

As usual, this store's tanks are the cleanest of all I've seen and the most variety. Asked why he only opens on Thurs/Fri: He's been in this business for too long (30+ years if not mistaken). I also recalled that he seemed pretty upset last year when his father just passed away. Interestingly, he gets wholesale from some airport, if I heard right.
Hopefully, I can these fish won't die on me as I've covered the tank with home made covering using nylon netting framed by HomeDepot window screen framing. I would love to get more Sea Hare as the one currently in the tank seems to be doing its job (eating green hair). I may pay a visit

Chung Ling Chui Nui: 鍾靈生的碎蛋. I would pay $$$ to learn straight from the master if I were there. I need to have a separate outdoor gas range and wok hay method. The blood cockles are going to be hard to come by here in the East Coast if not USA.

On Charismatic History, this pastor (Brooklyn First Baptist Church) gave a good overview, though, I would not agree on ecumenical fellowship with Pentecostals so blindly, perhaps only work together with them in certain evangelical matters.


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