Journal of the Week

3/8/2024 What a bummer that I didn't care about the stock market for a while. NVIDIA went from $60 in 2020 to $900 at the beginning of this month. That's about 15 times bullish increase. It's all because of this AI hype, I think. Should have been more alert. The rest of the stocks that I have are either failing or being stagnant.

I just realized I bought the wrong size Solar Filter (Solar Filter Baader Film Metal Cover for Astro Telescope 110-132mm) from ebay a year ago (3/30/2023) on Ebay for my telescopes. Not sure what I was thinking. It was obviously too big for my Meade ETX-80, and too small for my Celestron OMNI XLT 150. Perhaps it was meant for the EVScope, which was supposed to be 4.5" = 114mm in aperture, but true aperture is really about 120mm and with the scope's wall, the whole tube is 142mm in diameter. The OMNI XLT 150 would need a filter that's at least 180mm = 7" because its wall is thick. The ETX-80 would need the solar filter the diameter of at least 95mm.

3/7/2024 Today marks the 2nd week I am not going to the Thursday Bible Study because Nadia's has been working these last two Thursdays. Don't get me wrong, these Bible studies are great as people are encouraged to talk. The only downside is that it is somewhat less challenging than the Sunday School. They are doing the Sermon on the Mount right now in Matthew 5. The one I missed last week, was around Matthew 5:17. Because there's less challenges or that the pastor did not challenge bad input, I am less inclined to go. So this part is on him. But a bigger part is on me, because I've already been doing Chinese Bible Study with the Seattle folks remotely on Fridays, and once a month Saturday Men's fellowship, and the same pastor's Sunday School is the best of the best so far, of all churches I've been, not counting special lectures by the likes of Stephen Tong, etc.

But if Nadia's going, I'm going for sure. I do want to encourage her to love this, dwell deep in God's word in a challenging way. For I have this prayer now as Moses in Exo 32:32 and Paul in Romans 9:3, that I may be accursed from Christ and my name be blotted out from the book, for Nadia, my dear wife's sake. Help me, be gracious and merciful, my Savior!

上山下乡运动 Down to the Countryside Movement: A solution to the liberal-Democrat immigration/economic crisis in the United States (particularly in the Blue States). 老尤 brought this up. I think it's not a bad idea, just probably not practical to enforce it (due to Western political ideals) as it was done by Chairman Mao in China between mid-1950s and 1978.

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