Leading An Older Fellowship

Though I no longer do this now, Leading an old folks fellowship has its challenging benefit.

Many will say, they (very old people) cannot receive any new messages, they are not willing to, there's nothing they haven't heard before, especially from much younger generation.

The traditional community, the Chinese culture influenced folks, tend to be satisfied with admiring how successful a young preacher, pastor or teacher has become. It is not surprising, if these folks care not of the messages brought by the youngsters, whether they are profitable or not.

How can one fulfill 1Timothy 4:12?

Praising the young, is the key of the folks.

I've noted before, that the Son of Man was only 30 when the whole world (both young and old) went after Him. This is the key.

Though it is principle, that young believers prove themselves in diligence, kindness, humility, responsibility, even achievements in life; That cannot be the focal point of biblical lesson. Should the young impress the old to the fullest of biblical intention, one must pray for others (ie. older folks) to see the presence of the Spirit of God with one. This supernatural testimony cannot be one's own making; nor can it be some creative superstition from the charismatics (If it truly be from God, we need not overreact against disbelief. Unless, our objective is not to glorify God, but the strange fire. Using God's name in this way is dangerously blasphemous).

So then, it is a tough journey. It is a journey one must truly walk with God. I pray for this journey.

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