Westminster Theological Seminary (2014): Left Behind Series

On Dispensationalism

Left Behind Series was done in 2014 and a lot more recordings than I would like to place here. I'll focus on the ones that interest me, I've downloaded the recordings in my Library drive:

Left Behind? Why the Church Is the True Israel, and Will You Be Left Behind? by Peter Lillback

My Summary:

The Pre-tribulation rapture idea comes from the idea that Israel and the church are two distinct groups of God's people. Two distinct purposes of God.

Rapture: Tribulation is for Israel, not the church, so church has to be out of the way.

Premillennial's book: The Late Great Planet Earth by Hal Lindsey.

Covenant of Grace (Begins with Adam) < Abrahamic Covenant < Mosaic Covenant < Davidic Covenant < New Covenant

Law will be written in our heart (Jer 31) <Heb 8, Heb 10, 2Co 3. New Covenant Matthew 26, etc.

Dispensationalists: But Leviticus shows a different covenant with sacrifices and rituals. However:

Diversity and Unity of the Covenant, like seeds growing into different trees/fruits, but organically one in DNA. Covenantal Grace DNA: I will be your God, you will be my people.

Dispensationalists: So they are all different pieces.

Gen 3:15 Proto-Evangelion.

My note: Jews today replaces sacrifice with prayer, thanks to Yohanan ben Zakkai who popularized that idea, but such prayers have no Christ in it, so their prayer is one that mocks God - for why sacrifice if we could have just prayed already.

Scofield Reference Bible: OT people not saved by Grace but by keeping the Law. This was later edited out.

Therefore, without the distinction of Church and Israel, there is no dispensationalism.

The famous Blockbuster hit book: Left Behind, dramatized that unbelievers and Jews discovered the Gospel after the Church is taken out.

Dispensationalists: Prophecies must be fulfilled literally. But the symbols in biblical prophecies will ruin this idea. Pick and choose which is literal which is symbolic.

Therefore, the accusation of "replacement theology" by others against the Reformed is invalid, because it's election theology.

So Abraham's promises were not just for his seed, but the nations. A joining of Israel and gentiles.

That's why some dispensationalists would say circumcision of flesh will continue and sacrifices will continue in the Millennium, etc.

But in truth, two separate things become one, that's what grafted means.

Even Peter, the apostle to the Jews, got it right with 4 traits of the church in 1Peter 2:4-12, instead of making a distinction of church age vs. Israel.

Used to be a sign in the temple, in the Court of the Gentiles saying "if you are not a Jew, do not cross or be killed". Now no such boundary in Ephesians 2:11-22

Acts 15: Great Jerusalem Council= "First Presbyterian General Assembly"

Parousia = Presence of Christ with us when He returns.

Reformed Christians though maybe tempted, but don't pray for a pre-tribulational rapture, which other Christians love to pray for and thus against John 17:14, 16:33.

Proof of Christ's second coming after tribulation: Matthew 24:29-31.

*Unfortunately the recording got muted from @44:00-@44:50

We are left behind in the sense that we persevered. Blood of the martyr is the seed of the Church.

Lillback wondered that the revival maybe coming in U.S. as we faces lots of resistance.

The Time of Jacob's Trouble (Jer 30:6-7) = tribulation.

Lillback warned against kicking out brothers and sisters of Dispensationalists.

Lillback: I am pro Israel, but I'm not pro Israel no matter what. I am pro Jesus Christ no matter what.

Don't get theology from newspapers. Let scripture interpret scripture.

Part II:

Left Behind? Covenant vs. Dispensations by Peter Lillback

About a year ago, Peter Lillback gave a 45-min talk on the subject. Here is my summary:

 Reformed View Dispensationalists View
- Covenant (cutting - ברית)
- Dispensation (stewardship: Adam->Moses->---)Covenant is always same in substance (Pactum Salutis - Covenant of Redemption); Distinct in Administration (Dispensation).A covenant always contains works (obvious with Adam), grace and redemption.


OT kingdom rejected but not lost. Jesus' last 40-day class on Earth was about the Kingdom.

2 kingdoms from the 3 Gospels are essentially 1 and the same:
- Matthew is for Jews
- Mark / Luke are for Romans & Greeks respectively.Dispensationalists problem starts with translation from Hebrew culture to English culture: For example: Qere & Ketiv: Jews read YHWH as Adonai (Lord). English translators hence mixed YHWH with Adonai (vowels) resulting in YaHoWaH = Jehovah. Mixing the two to become one and the same.
So, "Kingdom of God" is not used much in Matthew; "Kingdom of Heaven" is never used in Mark/Luke. But they are the same Kingdom.

- Covenant is distinguished by eras. Rejects Pactum Salutis.


Key eras: Before (= Israel) & After NT (= church age).

Rejects covenants from Adam to before Jesus to contain grace.

All previous eras have failed the dispensational tests. After David, Israel was rejected, replaced by the Church under grace, which is to be raptured out, then, Israel will be restored.

Key support: 2 kingdoms interpretation from the 3 Gospels:
- Matthew: Kingdom of Heaven (Israel's)
- Mark / Luke: Kingdom of God (Gentile's)

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