Thoughts of the day: Capitol Attack

Talked to my dad this morning, after some IT work for him. We talked about yesterday's attack on the Capitol by what's allegedly Trump supporters (Allegedly, that's what I am curious about).

If the attack is orchestrated by the opposite side (the Democrats, Antifa, BLM, etc.) then I wouldn't be surprise, because they are a rather twisted bunch, though it's interesting. After all, it provoked Facebook to ban Trump as well as the call to remove Trump from office now. When Joe dropped me off to the train station this morning, he said he felt sorry for Trump's family, grandchildren, I concur.

If it's by Pro-Trump, then obviously the far-right. Not very smart (which is why I am more inclined to believe this is the BLM hippies). Although, it seems that while the BLM choose attack civilians, the Capitol attackers believed themselves to be more principled, which is the kind of bureaucracy the Rightists usually solve their problems with.

The way I see it, as long as the Left and Right in America choose to speak over each other, then perhaps let there be war. Because in war, you cannot just fight over each other, you have to fight AGAINST each other. Without it, nothing is done, things just get worse. People would just move around in this great land, a vast land indeed, so running out of geographical location to settle in U.S.A. is certainly not a problem, there are plenty of cowards in American evangelical/reformed churches as well, though I cannot say the same to the internetworking between cities to maintain one single nation.

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