Of course, the prayer is not for God to save lost soul in a sense that I should rather pray for God to reveal his elects in this work, if he is willing.
This is not of PCA nor of my church because for that to happen, there needs to be serious fellowship with them such that we are clear on where we agree and where we disagree and how we are to move on from there. If that has not happened, I would rather do this myself, contrary to the believe of those who think they have biblical ground in their shallow hermeneutics that an evangelist can only be dispatched by a church or an organization.
If someone were to ask, I am of my own, sent by God. Not part of any church. Should I recommend a church if they ask: The Gospel I shared should be sufficient for them to find a good one, Gospel-centered, God-loving, Biblical. Should they ask of my church, I should not be shy to tell them.
This entry will be my goal in evangelizing Bridgewater and its vicinity. After finding a good church, the next step of a Gospel-centered life is evangelizing. There are mosques and Hindu temples. Perfect!
But first I would have to do a survey of the area as well as the history of Grace church. I will leave some questions in the comments.
Questions for Pastor Chris:
1. On how his unique zeal for Sunday School and other Bible study program will be lasting. As this is one big plus for him. Most American young pastors would just want to get paid and go home (i.e. Those at NYC Redeemer PCA, etc.) Unlike others, this pastor's zeal is rather telling. I pray it remains. It is also crucial in a reformed way (for self improvement) as well as openness to being gospel-centeredness.
2. (minor issue) How many times was he baptized? Being former Roman Catholic and his uncle's Baptist influence, the willingness to switch from baptist view to reformed view on baptism, is rather remarkable. Did he switch views just to get a job at PCA? This is crucial for me to know personally and to know him in person better as well. It's rare to find someone who truly change from baptist to reformed on baptism with full conviction and if that is so, this is a true treasure!