The City College CUNY Class: MATH 39100 Methods of Differential Equations

Professor: Gennady Yassiyevich

Variable of y will be t, not x, as standard notation.

Ordinary Differential equation. y = y(t)
Partial Differential equation (later this semester, used in theoretical physics, e.g. laplace, etc.) u = u(x,y).
Example: .

Def: The "order" of a DE is the highest derivative that appears.
Order 1:
y' + y = 0

Order 2:

There can be many more solutions.

We'll do mostly up to order 2, as most applications do.

Numerical Analysis mentioned. City College supposed to offer this course: Solving problems without formulas.

When initial condition is applied, the solution is called unique solution.

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25 Responses to The City College CUNY Class: MATH 39100 Methods of Differential Equations

  1. timlyg says:

    Solve :
    arctan formula wouldn't work here.
    Use 2nd fundamental theorem: Let f(t) be a function and a be a number.

    Define "area function":

    then A'(t) = f(t)
    initial condition y(1) = 2
    choose a = 1 (easier)

    y(1) = 0 + C, so C = 2.
    This is the answer. Though unsatisfactory. Computer completes it by use of numerical technique, i.e. Reimann Sum (breaking them into smaller pieces).

    In general, to solve y' = f(t), y(a) = b,


  2. timlyg says:

    First-order linear Differential Equation (FOLDE):
    do not mix xy, not linear when the term is a product of x and y.
    y y' = e^t (also not linear)
    A(t)y' + B(t)y = C(t)

    y' + p(t)y = q(t)

    Second-order LDE (SOLDE):
    A(t)y'' + B(t)y' + C(t)y = D(t)
    y'' + p(t)y' + q(t)y = r(t)

    for all A(t), B(t), ..., they are coefficients, thus can be squared, etc. and the whole equation can still be linear.


    More generally given:
    y' + p(t)y = q(t)
    We need to find "integrating factor"

    need to choose , such that

    , it is obvious that .

    (log = ln)
    , hence is always positive.
    where P(t) = an (just need one of them, not all) anti-derivative of p(t).

    But when computing the integral, use a constant to get all functions.
    So, to solve y' + p(t)y = q(t)


    ans: p(t) = -2
    P(t) = -2t, no need + c since only need one of them




    ans: p(t) = sin(t), P(t) = -cos(t)

    Note: by 2nd Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

    we require

  3. timlyg says:

    Dealing with y' = f(t,y), we can solve for y'.

    Separable DE has the form
    y' = f(t,y) and f(t,y) is separable i.e. f(t,y) = g(t)h(y)

    y' = ty
    y' = t + ty


    yy' = -t

    No global solutions, since when cause the sqrt to be undefined.

    But there are solutions defined on the interval -1 < t < 1, e.g. when

    (Observe that y=0 is a solution, assumption )

    alternate method (nonsensical way that works, dy/dt manipulation doesn't mean anything except it works, questionable meaning in 1600s - Calculus Pseudomath, used in engineering):

    Look for solutions defined for t > 0.

    (observe taht y = 1 or y = -1 both solve the DE, so be careful when dividing)

    y = sin(log(t)+ C)
    This is defined for all t > 0.
    But there are no global solutions (except for y = 1, or y = -1) because if we restrict to the domain t > 0, y = sin(log t + C)
    and as this function has no limit.

    , t > 0, IVP y(1) = 0;
    y = sin(log t + C)
    0 = sin(log 1 + C)
    0 = sin(0+C)

    Where n is an arbitrary integer.

    Theoretical D.E. (graduate course) probably not offered at City College, try N.Y.U., email prof. there for free sit-in class.

    y' = f(t,y), we say f(t,y) is "homogenous" if f(at, ay) = f(t,y)

    If y'=f(t,y) is given
    and f(t,y) is a homogenous function
    Use substitution
    to change DE into separable form.


    Use , so

    We keep the solution in this form: Implicitly defined function.

  4. timlyg says:

    Exact Equation

    2t + 2yy' = 0 (not linear, but separable)
    2yy' = -2t
    y' = -

    Another method:
    = = 0

    in this case.
    This differential equation is called "exact" i.e. the DE can be expressed as an exact derivative.

    Let F(u,v) be a function of two variables.
    Subtitute u = g(t) and v = h(t)
    Form the composition F(g(t),h(t)) = f(t)

    (2t+3) + (2y-2)y' = 0
    We need to find a function F(u,n) so that

    F(u,v) has to satisfy:


    (implicit solution)


    We try to find a function F(u,v) so that,


    We found



    (this is actually linear)

    Choose c(y) = 0

    So the E,

    evaluate at t = 1;

    so c = 1.

    Example that does not work:
    y + y' = 0
    Try to find F(t,y) so that

    F(t,y) = yt + c(y)
    t + c(y) = 1, which is not possible to find the F(t,y) this way. The equation is not exact.

    An equation of the form
    M(t,y) + N(t,y)y' = 0
    is called "exact" if we can find F(t,y) so that [F(t,y)]' = M(t,y) + N(t,y)y'

    How do we know if that equation is exact?

    Cross-partial test (prof.'s made up term)

  5. timlyg says:

    (Today's lesson Not on Department Final)
    (Emilie) Picard's Theorem (systems of DE):
    Given y' = f(t,y), with (IVP)
    There exists a unique solution.

    Consequence 1:
    Given y' = f(t,y)
    if y = c (trivial) is a solution, then any other solution is never equal to c.


    Observe that y = 0 solves the DE. So any other solution will never be equal to 0.

    Consequence 2:
    Given the DE y' = f(t,y)
    If and are two different solutions then they never intersect.

    y' = y
    The solutions are given by

    Euler's Method
    A numerical method for approximation the solution of the IVP

    Linear Approximation

    Autonomous Equations
    DE of the form
    y' = g(y)
    y' = y

    (not autonomous)

    Note, Autonomous DEs are separable, and so can be solved by separation of variable technique.

    Def: Trivial solutions to an autonomous equation ie. y = c (constant solutions) are called "steady state solutions".
    Example: y' = (1-y)(y-2)
    SSS are of the form y=c,
    0 = (1-c)(c-2)
    c = 1, 2
    Thus, S.S.S. are y = 1 and y = 2.

    Claim y'(t) > 0 for every t.
    Otherwise there will be some point in time to such that = 0.


    log(sec y + tan y) = t + c
    first find the s.s.s.
    let y = c,
    0 = cos(c)
    y'(0) = cos(y(0))

  6. timlyg says:

    Population growth
    (not covered by Department)

    Let y(t) be the population size at time t.
    Then Rate of growth (y'(t)) is Directly Proportional to Population Size (y(t)).
    Simple Exponential Growth(useful only when dealing with small populations - e.g. death not accounted for)/Malthus Model:

    y' = ry

    The stead-states of y' = ry are only y'=0.

    How we arrive at the equation:
    y' - ry = 0
    p(t) = -r
    q(t) = 0
    P(t) = -rt

    Initially a population size consists of 10,000 cells.
    After 2 hours the population size is 30,000
    What is the population in the next hour?
    Let y(t) = pop. size measured in 10,000's, at time measured by hours.
    y = y_e^{rt}
    so y = 1\cdot e^{rt}
    y(2) = 3
    We want y(3) = ?

    Verhulst Model:
    y' = r(y)y
    Suppose that the population has "carrying capacity" = K
    y' = r(1-y/K)y

    Look for steady-state solutions y = C
    So, 0 = r(1-C/K) C
    C = 0, K
    y'(0) = r(1 - y(0)/K) y(0)

    Thus, the rate in increasing.

    Now find the inflection point:

    Inflection occurs at

    so, y = K/2
    Always concave up first, passing inflection point, then concave downward.
    Hence, a Logistic Function.

    When is the rate of growth increasing most rapidly?
    Optimize y'

    Juxtapose simple exponential function with logistic function, it shows that it is not much problem using simple function before the inflection point.

    Solve: y' = r(1-y/K)y
    dy/dt = r(1-y/K)y

    Do partial fraction (prof's guessing method)

    K log(y) - K log(1-y/K) = Krt + C
    log(y) - log(1-y/K) = rt + C

    Make it more aesthetic:

    multiply by

  7. timlyg says:

    Law of Cooling
    The rate of cooling, y'(t), is dir. prop. to the change in the temperature, y-T.
    (r will be negative)

    solves the DE.

    Vodka is 20C. Refrigerator is at -10C. It is placed in the refrigerator and 10 minutes later its temperature is 15C. When will the Vodka reach 0C?

    let y(t) = temperature of Vodka at time t.

    Since y(0) = 20,

    C = 30.
    y(10) = 15

    y(t) = 0

    Tank has 30 liters of liquid, which consists of water and 10 pounds of salt dissolved in it.
    Liquid is pouring in at the rate of 2 liters/min and contains 1 pound of salt.
    There is a hole at the bottom of the tank, liquid is pouring out at the rate of 2 liters/min.
    After 1 hour how much salt is in the tank?

    y(t) = amount of salt at time t, inside the tank.
    y' = rate of change in salt = rate in - rate out = 1(per minute) -

    Concentration = weight/volume
    at time t, the concentration of salt in the tank = y/30

    y' = 1-y/15, y(0) = 10
    y' + y/15 = 1
    p(t) = 1/15
    q(t) = 1
    P(t) = t/15
    thus, C = -5.
    y(60) = ...

    lim y(t) = 15

    Tank has 30 liters of liquid, which consists of salt water having concentration 2 lbs/lit of salt.
    Pure water is pouring at the rate of 2 liters/min.
    There is a hole at the bottom of the tank, liquid is pouring out at the rate of 1 liter/min.
    Set up DE for the amount of salt at time t.

    (log y)'= (- log (30+t))'
    log y = log(30+t) + C
    y(0) = 60
    log 60 = -log(30) + C
    C = log 1800
    log y = -log(30+t) + log 1800

    Logistic Equation
    y' = r(1-y/K)y
    r = growth rate
    K = carrying capacity

    A lake initially contains 15,000 fish, and carrying capacity for the lake is 300,000 fish.
    In the first few years the fish increase in population at about 10%.
    When will the population reach 200,000 fish?
    y(t) = amount of fish measured in 10,000 units.
    y(0) = 1.5
    If y(t) is "small" then
    y(1) = 1.65

    Logistic equation:

    Solve, y(t) = 20.

  8. timlyg says:

    Second Order Linear DE
    a(t)y'' + b(t)y' + c(t) y = f(t)

    Assume a(t) is not 0,
    we will deal with:
    y'' + p(t)y' + q(t)y = F(t)

    Galois at 20, proved quintic equation not possible, died next day.
    Hence, study of Galois Theory.

    y'' - y' = 0, let z = y'
    z' - z = 0
    z = Ce^t
    y' = Ce^t
    y = Ce^t + d

    y'' + y'/t - y/t^2 = 0, t > 0
    (y' + y/t)' = 0
    y' + y/t = a
    p(t) = 1/t
    q(t) = a
    P(t) = log t

    Given a SOLDE:
    y'' + p(t)y' + q(t)y = f(t)
    together with IVP
    There exists a unique solution.
    (proven in high level DE)

    If f(t) = 0, this is a simplified DE which we call "homogeneous".
    Not the same kind of homogeneous as: , etc.
    If equation is homogeneous in SOLDE:
    i) If y is a solution to such a DE, then cy is also a solution.
    ii) If y_1 and y_2 are solutions tot he DE, then y_1 + y_2 is also a solution.
    ay_1 + by_2 will solve the DE.

    y'' - 3y' + 2y = 0, y(0) = 1, y'(0) = 0
    Guess a solution of the form
    So, y' =
    y'' =

    Choose k such that:

    k = 1, 2

    So, and are solutions.
    Since this DE is homogeneous, is also a solution
    To determine a = ?, b = ? use the IVP.

    Determinant of (2x2, our focus)
    Application example:
    2x - 3y = 2
    x + 2y = -1
    Only when ,
    = 4+3 = 7

    This works for n x n matrices as well.
    Gauss-Jordan Elimination: the fastest method for solving system of linear equations.

  9. timlyg says:

    SOLDE has the form:
    y'' + p(t)y' + q(t)y = f(t)
    i) Given an IVP y(t_0) = y_0 and y'(t_0) = y_0' there exists a unique solution (Main Theorem)
    ii) If f(t) = 0, then we call this equation "homogeneous".
    iii) given and solutions to the DE then will solve the DE, provided that the DE is homogeneous.

    GIven a HSOLDE: y'' + p(t)y' + q(t)y = 0
    We say two solutions are "dependent" if
    Example: (these are dependent)
    Otherwise they are "independent" solutions.

    Another formulation of what it means for y1 & y2 to be dep/indep.

    If the only way the expression c1y1 + c2y2 can be made equal to zero is when c1 = 0 and c2 = 0 then y1 and y2 are independent.

    Example: Let y1 and y2 be solutions to a HSOLDE.
    To check that y1 & y2 are independent, we have to show that the only way c1y1 + c2y2 = 0 is only when c1 = 0 and c2 = 0.
    If determinant is not 0, then c_1 = 0, c_2 = 0. Thus, y1 & y2 are independent.

    Def: Given two solutions y1 and y2,
    the "Wronskian" of y1 and y2, denote it by W(y1, y2)
    W(y1, y2)(t) = determinant =

    Theorem: Given a HSOLDE, with y1 and y2 two solutions.
    IF there exists a number t_0 so that W(y1, y2)(t_0) != 0
    then every solution of (*) has the form c1y1+c2y2.
    In other words, if y3 is another solution then y3 = c1y1 + c2y2, for some choice of c1 and c2.

    Let y3 be a solution of (*)
    Find constants c1 and c2 so that,
    c1y1(t_0) + c2y2(t_0) = y3(t_0)
    c1y1'(t_0) + c2y2'(t_0) = y3'(t_0)

    This is possible, != 0.

    Observe that c1y1 + c2y2 and y3 satisfy the same initial-values at t_0.
    But, by uniqueness (Main Theorem), these must be the same, y3 = c1y1 + c2y2.
    Example: every solution to y'' + y = 0 has the form: c1*sin(t) + c2*cos(t) => y3

    Def: Given a HSOLDE,
    we call a pair of solutions y1 and y2 a "fundamental pair" if W(y1, y2)(t_0) != 0, for some t_0.
    Example: y'' - y = 0
    e^t and e^{-t} is a fundamental solution pair, so every solution is of the form c1e^t + c2e^{-t}
    but, cosh(t) and sinh(t) is also a fundamental pair, so every solution is of the form, c1cosh(t) + c2sinh(t). But all the fundamental pairs are really equivalent.

    Every HSOLDE has a pair of fundamental solutions.

  10. timlyg says:

    Review: Given a SOLDE homogeneous:
    y'' + p(t)y' + q(t)y = 0
    with y_1 and y_2 solutions.
    We call y_1 and y_2 a "fundamental pair":
    If != 0, for some t_0, then every solution of the DE has the form .

    Abel's Theorem: Let W = W(y1,y2), then W' + p(t)W = 0


    1st Consequence: since the theorem looks like FOLDE,

    2nd Consequence: W(t) is either identically zero, or else, nowhere zero.

    Have we covered finding fundamental pairs when W is zero?

    Let us say that we have HSODE, and we happen to know that y_1 is a solution,
    can we somehow find a y_2 so that y1 and y2 will form a fund. pair.
    is actually =

    3rd Consequence: If we have y1, we can find y2 so that y1 and y2 form a fund. pair by choosing

    , given that
    Solve the DE.
    p(t) = -1/t, thus, P(t) = -log t

    Instead we can even choose
    Then, the solution is:

    Prof: Another method (Reduction of order: Dalem Bear's method?) mentioned in book to solve for y_2.

    Example: Solve y'' - 2y' + y = 0, given that y1 = e^t is a solution
    Ans: y_2 = te^t

    Example: t^y'' + ty' + (t^2-1/4) y = 0
    is a solution
    Solve the DE
    (This is Bessel's equation)

  11. timlyg says:

    Non-homogeneous SOLDE:
    y'' + p(t)y' + q(t)y = F(t)
    1. First find a fundamental solution pair for the homogeneous equation, call them y1 and y2.
    2. Find a "particular solution" to the non-homogeneous equation and call it .
    3. All solutions to the non-hom. DE are

    #3 works because:
    If y solves the non-HSOLDE, and solves the same equation then will solves the HSOLDE.

    y'' - 2y' - 3y = 3e^{2t}
    Check that y_p = -e^{2t} then theis solves the DE.
    So this is a "particular solution".

    Check that -e^{2t}+e^{-t} also solves the DE.

    Start with the DE, y'' + p(t)y' + q(t)y = F(t)
    Look for a y_p of the form:

    Wishful thinking:
    First, exists



    Since y1 & y2 are pairs for homogeneous equation,
    and we already have:

    , where
    This is called "Variation of parameters"

    y'' + y = tan t,
    First find a fun. pair to the HSOLDE: y'' + y = 0
    Pick y1 = sin(t) and y2 = cos(t)

    y_p = -sint(cost) + cost(-log(sect+tant)+sint) = -cost(log(sect+tant))
    Thus, the solutions are given by:

    Example: Solve

    Ans: W = -3

    Example: Solve

    y_p = sin^2t(t^{-1/2} + cos^2t(t^{-1/2} = t^{-1/2}
    Thus, Solution to the DE is:

  12. timlyg says:

    Solving the DE:
    ay'' + by' + cy = 0

    Look for solutions of the form:

    Thus, , solve for k.
    There will be 2 solutions for k, which in turn gives fundamental pair solutions for y.
    To solve ay'' + by' + cy = 0,
    write down "characteristic polynomial": ax^2 + bx + c, find the roots (zeros)
    i) If there are two roots u and v, then and form fun. pair
    ii) If there is only one root, q, then and
    Why? The root in quadratic formula is = -b/(2a), and b^2-4ac = 0.
    Then, will solve the DE.

    from y'' + by'/a + cy/a = 0 => p(t) = b/a, => P(t) = anti-derv. of p(t) = bt/a
    iii) If complex roots , then

    Euler's Identity:
    Fun note: Euler was later blind. 76 volumes of work, some has not yet been translated from Swiss.
    Hamilton's quaternion imaginaries mentioned. Used for computer graphics.

    then form the fun. pair

    Solve, y'' - 3y' + 2y = 0:
    (x-1)(x-2) = 0
    roots 1 and 2
    Thus, solve the DE and form a fun. pair.

    Solve, y'' + 2y' + y = 0
    root: -1 (with multiplicity 2)
    Thus, y_1 = e^{-t}

    Solve, y'' + y = 0
    x^2 + 1 = 0
    root = where r = 0, s = 1

    y'' + y' + y = 0

    To solve Euler's Equation: , (Euler-Cauchy Equation)
    (Prof. noted that he couldn't find an application for this equation)
    Form the "char. poly.": ax(x-1) + bx + c
    How: Look for solutions of the form

    plug in to the equation and we get:
    Need to solve, ak(k-1) + bk + c = 0, thus, the "char. poly."
    i) If u and v are roots then use and
    ii) If u is the only root then use and
    Almost in the Department final exam
    iii) If are complex roots use

    1x(x-1) + 3x + 4


  13. timlyg says:

    A(t)y'' + B(t)y' + C(t)y = 0
    Were the coeficients are polynomials
    We say this DE is "regular" (good in mathematics) if A(0) != 0
    Otherwise the DE is "singular" (bad) i.e. if A(0) = 0

    In the regular case we can solve the DE with a power series

    plug these into the equation.
    A analytic function: one that can be written in power series.

    y'' -2ty' + 4y = 0
    Turn y into power series, manipulate initial term, n, and necessary variables in such a way they can be combined.
    Then, force all partial groups of terms to 0.
    Solve for with recurrence relation.
    This gives the coefficient for .
    Writing and in power series form is fine in exam.

    y'' - ty = 0

  14. timlyg says:

    Exam, note power series solutions in SOLDE

    We did "regular" DE
    Now let's see "singular" DE

    Supposed A(0) = 0 and we can write:
    , where a(0) != 0
    B(t) = tb(t)

    let a(t) =t+1

    this is called "regular singular", since a(0) != 0.
    Look for solutions of the form y =

    Recall characteristic equation

    Where the power p is a root of the polynomial:
    a(0)X(X-1) + b(0)X + C(0)
    (Frobenius Method)
    Look in book for explanation (off topic)

    ty'' + y = 0
    multiply t to eq:
    Thus, X(X-1) + 0X + 0 = 0
    roots = 0, 1

    Technically, all roots must be solved.
    first, look at root = 1

    Look for a solution of the form

    solve recurrence relation:

    Thus this solves for the larger root.


    This DE is singular (but regular singular)
    It should remind us of the Euler Cauchy form

    X(X-1) + 0X + 1/4 = 0

    Look for a solution of the form

    plug them into equation and get similar exponents
    then, replace n by n-2

    Thus, we make coefficients of t be zero:

    accepted answer

    further simplification:

  15. timlyg says:

    Higher order DE will not be taught in class, but in HW and exam.


    Prereq: Hooke's Law (Robert Hooke 1635-1703) invented microscope and word "cell".
    The displacement of a "spring" from its natural length is directly proportional to the force.
    Force/Displacement = spring constant or elasticity "constant".
    Works on rubber bands too, but rubber bands cannot be compressed.

    The reason for vibration: when things are elastic.

    y(t) = position of the mass measured from its equilibrium, from equilibrium due to Hooke's Law.
    equilibrium (distance when object is motionless)

    y'(t) = speed
    y''(t) = acceleration
    Hence, most DE order up to 2.
    Higher order than 2 application in the Beam problem.

    The sum of all the forces acting on a body = ma (the reason subway riders fall when taking a seat)

    Newton's law = Hooke's law, eventhough they disliked each other
    ma = -ky
    my'' = -ky
    y'' + ky/m = 0
    y(0) = , y'(0) = 0


    I thought that perpetual motion is not possible, hence this knowledge is just for foundation purpose, I supposed.
    The amplitude of the vibration =
    Period of the vibration =

    Take note on this Final Exam sample:
    A spring has NL 10 in, and elasticity = 2 lbs/in
    A mass is attached to the spring, of the weight 10 lbs.
    Pull the spring to 13 in, we push towards the wall at 1 in/sec.
    Determine the amplitude and the period of this vibration.
    y_0 = 3
    y'_0 = -1
    k = 2
    m = 10/32
    10y''/32 = -2y
    5y'' + 32y = 0
    y'' + 6.4y = 0

    , we use .8 as a pretend of , not accurate).
    y(0) = 3

    y'(0) = -1

    y(t) = 3cos(.8t) - 1.25sin(.8t)
    period =

    Why metric system? Because every type of unit is defined by another metric type. Easier.

    y = Asin(t) + Bcos(t)

    Damping force = the amount of force per speed.
    The damping force is directly proportional to speed

    10y''/32 = -2y - 0.1y'

  16. timlyg says:


    Numbers --- functions ---> numbers

    Functions --- transform ---> functions
    example: d(f(t))/dt = f'(t)

    Let f(t) be a function defined for t>= 0

    The "Laplace Transform of f(t)":

    Domain of ~f are all values of s for which the int. converges.

    example: f(t) = 1

    example: f(t) = t
    draw graph
    again, no need to care what function does for negative value

    L[t](s) = \int^\infty_0 e^{-st}t dt
    Integration by parts
    easier way to do:


    f(t) | ~f(s)
    1 | 1/s

    Example: f(t) = t, if t is zero to 1, 0 if t > 1
    Do int as if 0 to 1.

    limit rule of Laplace Transform:
    ~f(+) = 0

    Compression Rule:
    Say f(t) has Laplace transform ~f(s)
    L[f(at)] = 1/a * ~f(s/a)
    a > 0


    L[f(t)+g(t)] = L[f(t)] + L[g(t)]
    L[af(t)] = aL[f(t)]
    Linear mapping of bounded functions of exponential growth

    Example: L[3t^3 - t^2 + 4] = 3*3!/s^4 - 2!/s^3 + 4/s, too easy to be on exam

    Origin of Compression Rule, proven. Easy.

    Shift Rule:
    If L[f(t)] = ~f(s)
    then L[e^{at}f(t)] = ~f(s-a)

    Example: Find L[e^t * t](s)
    L[t] = 1/s^2 = ~f(s)
    ans: ~f(s-1) = 1/(s-1)^2

    Exponent Rule
    L[e^{at}*1] = 1/(s-a)

    Example: L[e^{-2t}] = 1/(s+2)

    Median: 84
    Highest: 112
    Lowest: 9
    1/3 failed
    1/5 over 100

  17. timlyg says:


    Review of Laplace rules:
    Limit, Compression, Shifting, Delay

    Additional Laplace Rule:
    Prove: let u = t-a, ...

    Find: L[(t^2+1)e^t]
    L[t^2+1] = 2/s^3 + 1/3, using table and linear rule
    L[(t^2+1)e^t] = 2/(s-1)^3 + 1/(s-1)

    Find: L[cos t] = \int^\infty_0 e^{-st} cos t dt
    Could use integration by parts and solve for I.
    But smarter way:
    Euler's identity: e^{it} + e^{-it} = 2cos t

    New rule:
    f(t) = cos t

    f(at) = cos(at)

    New rule:
    Derivative Rule I:

    For f(at) = sin(at)
    f(t) = cos (at)
    f'(t) = -a sin (at)
    L[f'(t)] = -f(0) + s\tilde{f}(s) = -1 + s\frac{s}{s^2+a^2}
    L[sin(at)] = \frac{a}{s^2+a^2}

    So, we have table for

    Derivative Rule II

    Differentiate both sides of formal L equation.
    push d/ds on RHS into content of integration.
    That is called Leibniz rule of differentiation(?), Rich Feynmann said it's the only trick in derivative.


    So, ans:

    Found by solving first.


    f(t) = sint/t
    = ?
    tf(t) = sin t


  18. timlyg says:

    Inverse Laplace Transform:

    theorem (uniqueness): If f(t), g(t) are continuous functions and L[f(t)] = L[g(t)]
    then f(t) = g(t)

    Given a function g(s),
    denote by to be a function f(t) so that L[f(t)] = g(s)


    We had formula for Laplace transform, the inverse is called: Mellin-transform



    (no theorem for product-look up convolution, but for sum)

    In Engineering: Convolution (not used in class)
    L[f(t)*g(t)] = L[f(t)]L[g(t)]

    Irreducible quadratic (complex roots)
    Use "completing the square"




    try integrate it




    tf(t) = sin t


    Use delay rule
    L[f(t)] = 1/s

    Do the following when applying delay rule:
    for ; 0 for t < 1
    : graph shift up 1 unit.

    Get partial fractions


  19. timlyg says:

    Use Laplace Transform to solve DE

    y' + y = 0
    y(0) = 1

    Use Laplace instead:
    L[y'+y] = L[0]
    L[y'] + L[y] = 0

    Normal solution: use Wronskian
    Use Laplace:

    Do partial fraction on first term on RHS

    Example: y'' + 4y' + 13y = 13, y'(0) = 0, y(0) = 0

    y = done in last class

    Ordinary method: , root has multiplicity 4.
    (-y'''(0) - sy''(0) - s^2y'(0) - s^3y(0) + s^4\tilde{y}) - \tilde{y} = 0
    1 - s + s^2 - s^3 + s^4\tilde{y} - \tilde{y} = 0
    (s^4-1)\tilde{y} = s^3-s^2+s-1
    \tilde{y} = \frac{(s^2+1)(s-1)}{(s^2-1)(s^2+1)} = \frac{1}{s+1}
    y = e^{-t}

    If initial parameters is not 0, then try delay rule. But test will use 0.

    Fourier Series: When dealing with periodic function
    Optional (Fourier Transform)

    simplest functions with period 2pi: sin(), cos(), 1, etc.

    Given a function f(x) of period p, (where L = half-period), try to write f(x) as infinite series:

    f(t) = sin(at)
    What is the period? 2pi/a
    f(t+2pi/a) = f(t)?

    sin(nat), cos(nat) has period 2pi/a

    p = 2pi/a, L = 1p/2

  20. timlyg says:

    Fundamental Period: 2pi/a
    It also has periods = 2npi/a, n is positive integer

    f(x) = sin(ax)
    f(x+2pi/a) = f(x)
    sin(a(x+2pi/a)) = sin(ax + 2pi) = sin(ax)

    Let L = p/2
    p = 2pi/a
    a = 2pi/p = 2pi/(2L) = pi/L

    sin(xpi/L) and cos (xpi/L) have periodic = p
    sin(xnpi/L) and cos(xnpi/L) have period = p
    2pi/(npi/L) = p/n

    Let f(x) be a periodic fun. of period p i.e. f(x+p) = f(x)
    Try to express f(X) in the following form:

    C is also periodic.

    note n & m

    , if n != m
    if n = m, it is equal to L

    cosine equivalent formula also.

    The above are orthogonality relations

    expand f(x)

    to get C, integrate equation from -L to L.
    , everything else is 0.

    To find a_2, multiply f(x) equation with the function next to , thus,

    every terms on RHS is zero due to orthogonality relations except one:

    Alert: these are based on infinite series assumption.

    Let f(x) be a periodic fun. of period p. Let L = p/2
    The "Fourier series of f(x)" is:

    But not proven until recently, "Carlsen's theorem?"

    However, not all power series = Taylor's series.

    Example: "Sawtooth Wave" function
    f(X) = x if -pi < x \leq pi
    f(x+2pi) = f(x)
    these two describes a full graphs.
    C = 0 = \frac{1}{2\pi} \int^{\pi}{-\pi} f(x) dx =

    Even function, E(-x) = E(x)
    Odd function O(-x) = -O(x)

    odd * even = odd, this is about functions, not numbers

    Hence, integrate cosine in this case is 0.

    Easiest way of integrating by parts:


    Thus, since Fourier Series of
    and the answer:

  21. timlyg says:

    Exponential Growth not on Final Exam.

    Let f(x) be a periodic function of period p:
    The "Fourier Series" of f(x) is the series:

    We are going to ask is f(x) = F(x)


    test it with partial sums.
    This is F(x) built from graph.

    Dirichlet Convergence Theorem

    If f(x) is continuous, then F(x) = f(x)

    let f(x) = x^2 for -\pi \leq x \leq \pi
    and give f(x) period = 2\pi
    graph it.
    C = \pi^2/3
    b_n = integral of even function (x^2) and odd function (sin(nx)) = 0
    a_n = \frac{2}{\pi} \int^{\pi}_0 x^2 cos(nx) dx, integrate by parts = \frac{4}{n^2}(-1)^n
    f(x) = \frac{\pi^2}{3} + \sum^{\infty}_{n=1}\frac{4}{n^2}(-1)^n cos(nx)

    Let x = \pi;
    \pi^2 = \frac{\pi^2}{3} + \sum^{\infty}_{n=1} \frac{4}{n^2}(-1)^n(-1)^n
    \frac{2\pi^2}{3} = \sum^{\infty}_{n=1} \frac{4}{n^2} \Rightarrow \frac{\pi^2}{6} = \sum^{\infty}_{n=1} \frac{1}{n^2}

  22. timlyg says:

    Let f(X) be a function defined for
    find the "sine series" of f(X).
    Thus, function has to be odd (even for cosine series)
    Define = periodic & odd extension of f(x).
    Note: for
    side note: if

    Find the Fourier series of
    C = 0

    Then the "Sine Series" of f(x):
    Provided that f is continuous and f(0) = f(L) = 0.

    Now let's do cosine series of f(x).
    Define = periodic extension of f(x)
    Note from 0 to L
    has period = L, so 2L, any multiple is also period.
    Find the Fourier series of
    C is not 0, thus, integrate it = = replace with
    = even integral * even (cosine) = not zero =
    = 0 (even * odd?)
    Thus, the cosine series of f(x) =
    provided that f is continuous.

    let f(x) = x(1-x), define on the interval
    Find its Sine Series

    lots of int by parts.
    Prof's way:

    do another int by parts, prof's method:

    thus, b_n = 0 if n is even, \frac{8}{\pi^3 n^3} if n is odd
    Not complete yet,
    Thus, in Fourier series:
    (\sum^{\infty}_{n=1} (-\frac{4}{\pi^3 n^3}((-1)^n - 1)) sin(\pi nx)
    good enough, but can also try to expand the series.

  23. timlyg says:

    Heat equation always in Final

    Heat equation:

    (PDE condition)
    or simply:

    Where u(x,t) = heat at x at time t.
    f(x) = initial heat at position x, => u(x,0) = f(x), (IVP condition)
    thus, u(0,t) = u(l,t) = 0, (BVP, boundary value problem)

    The solution to the conditions:

    This equation is known as Fourier's method
    is the sine series coefficients of f(x)
    Check if the equation satisfies the above 3 conditions.
    f(x) will be the sine series.

    If both ends are insulated, then f(x) is from cosine series instead.


    u(x,0) = 1, => uniform heat
    u(o,t) = u(2,t) = 0.

    f(x) = 1
    Since, L = 2


    u(x,0) = sin x - 2sin (3x) = f(x)
    u(0,t) = u(1,t) = 0


  24. timlyg says:

    Exam II:
    1 Question on Oscillation.
    3 Questions on Laplace transform, (1 solve DE using transf., 1 invert transf., compute/find using transf. Laplace)
    1 Find Fourier/sine/cosine series
    1 heat equation
    1 solve higher order eq with const. coefficient (solve by finding 2nd order...)
    1 Method of Undeterminded Coefficients (Prof. a waste of time)

    Do 4 out of 8.

    Method of Undetermined Coefficients:
    Given ay'' + by' + cy = F(t)
    Find y_p (particular solution), already taught.

    For Exponential:
    y'' + y = e^t
    so, X^2 + 1 = 0 => roots: 0 \pm 1*i
    y_1 = e^0cos(1t) = cos t
    y_2 = e^0sin(1t) = sin t

    The method:
    guess y_p = Ae^t = y'_p = y''_p
    Ae^t + Ae^t = e^t
    2Ae^t = e^t
    A = 1/2
    y_p = 1/2 * e^t
    y = c_1 cos(t) + c_2 sin(t) + 1/2 * e^t

    solve: y'' + y = e^{2t}
    4Ae^{2t} + Ae^{2t} = e^{2t}
    5A^e{2t} = e^{2t}
    A = 1/5
    y_p = 1/5 * e^{2t}

    For Polynomial:
    y'' + y = t^2
    guess y_p = At^2 + Bt + C

    For ...:
    y'' + y = sin(2t)
    guess y_p = Asin (2t) + Bcos (2t)
    y'_p = 2A cos(2t) - 2B sin(2t)
    y''_p = -4A sin(2t) - 4B cos(2t)
    So, in y'' + y => -3A sin (2t) - 3B cos (2t) = sin 2t, A = -1/3, B = 0

    y'' + y = e^t cos t
    Guess y_p = e^t (A sin t + B cos t)

    y'' + y = sin t
    Problem for guess y_p = (A cos t + B sin t)t

    y'' - 2y' + y = e^t
    X^2 - 2X + 1 = (X-1)^2
    y_1 = e^t, y_2 = te^t
    Guess y_p = Ae^t won't work
    y_p = tAe^t still won't work
    y_p = t^2 Ae^t works.

  25. timlyg says:


    Final May 23rd, 1pm, NAC 0/201
    population growth & Euler's method not on Final

    Need to know formula for a^3 - b^3 = (a-b)(a^2+ ab + b^2)
    X^3+1 = (a+b)(a^2- ab + b^2)

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