Kurt Koch's "Christian Counseling and Occultism"

Since Pak Tong recommended Kurt Koch's works after answering the last Q&A in East Coast about the subject of demon possessions, I have bought this book. And now ordered another "Occult Bondage and Deliverance", which will be a later review.

This review is for the book: Christian Counseling and Occultism.

2 of 8 characteristics of possessions:
Clairvoyance (Mark 1:24) The possessed knew who the Son of God was.
Transference of demons to animals

It is imperative to seek a sound balance between these two extremes of on the one hand denying the very existence of the demonic and on the other hand of demonising everything. ~ p. 13

To be continued...

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Geography: Sierra Leone

We have a visiting missionary whom our church support: Hilary Lewis-Nicol. He seems to be from Africa, was music director and now the Africa Area Director of Youth for Christ. Supervised seven countries– Sierra Leone, The Gambia, Liberia, Ghana, Nigeria, Guinea Bissau and Guinea. So I start with this:

Locals called it: Salone (pronounced: Salon). Means Serra Leoa (Portuguese for Lioness mountain)

one of 3 countries (Liberia, Haiti) on Earth founded by former slaves.

Nicknamed "Athens" of West Africa

Capital: Freetown in the Western area.

Largest Natural Harbour in Africa: Port of Freetown

Country has 12 districts, 149 chiefdoms.

7.7 million people. Major Ethnic groups: Mende (32%), Temne (32%). Small Bengali & Lebanese communities.

Mende's descendants in South Carolina called "Gullah community". Secret society Poro (men) & Sande (women) have secret passwords and rituals for rites of passage.

Temne: Cash crop revolutionaries (grow palm oil & Cassava). Nembgana of Koya (famous king), Bai Bureh (famous chief) in Colonial time. Secret society Ramena (men), Bondo (women).

Limba: Earliest indigenous people in the country, completely unrelated language. Kakoya Village (spiritual home).

Kono: Diamond people. Predominantly Christians. Related to Mandinka/Vai who descended from Mali Empire.

Kuranko: Mainly Muslims.

Creoles: Many got sent to UK, hence lots of English influence resulting in KRIO, and speak English fluently.

Currency: $1 USD to 19678.65 Sierra Leonean Leone

Drive on Right side of the road.

Language: English & KRIO (Creole of English: i.e. Kushe! Aw Di bodi = How are you?)

Founded by descendants of repatriated former slaves brought back by the British between 18th & 19th centuries. Through struggles with the native tribes.

Religion: 3/4 Sunni Muslims, the rest are Christians. Interfaith between the two is common. Civil war was more about politics, not religion.

Beware of corrupt police scams (i.e. Fake vaccine requirements at borders)

Geographical land layout from coast (West) to inner country (East): Coastal Mangrove Belt, Forested Hill Country, Upland Plateau, Loma Mountains.

Highest point: Bintumani

Largest lake: Lake Sonfon (Lake Tourism)

Highest region in Africa to receive rain (80-120" annually): Guineo-Congolian Climatic Zone, especially in Monsoon season between June & October.

Epic center of 2014 Ebola crisis, Ebola free in 2016

2/3 in agriculture. But country's rich in mineral deposits: Titanium ores, bauxite, diamonds.

Movie about diamonds in their civil war: Blood Diamond (2006)

#1 with highest industrial production growth rate in 2013 with 88%. But today only 20% has access to regular electricity.

3 largest national parks of the country: Outamba, Kangari Hills, Gola Forest Reserve. No lions found today, except in their coat of arms.

Interesting animals: Chimpanzees (national animal), Iris glossy starling, African Manatee, Pygmy Hippo, Giant African Swallowtail (large butterfly - 25cm wingspan)

Food: Jollof rice (won Afropolitan insights blind taste test 2019) & FUFU, Cassava Leaf Stew (national dish), Ginger beer, Tombe (Tamarind drink), Poyo (Palm wine)

Music: Two famous local genres: Palm Wine (i.e. Ebenezer Calendar, 1950s, rearranged Caribbean styles like Calypso, mixed with KRU people's traditional music, using Portuguese guitars) & Gumbe (Creole genre using Jamaican drum called Gumba which was used for communication but now for Weddings to Baptisms). Bubu is another genre (transformed from Animism to Muslim) popularized by Janka Nabay.

Celebrities: Idris Elba, Isaiah Washington

Foreign relations: Close friends with Liberia, Gambia, Lebanon, China, Bangladesh, UK, Ghana, Nigeria, Guinea.

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What's that Violin Piece in my dream

I asked it in my dream of a famous violin piece and was given the answer: something like "Shingal". But after some search online, it's Mendelssohn Violin Concerto in E minor, Op. 64.

I should start pulling up famous popular violin pieces on youtube and learn them.

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Bible Study: 2 Kings

The death f Ahab. The transition from Elijah to Elisha

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Tomatoes Plant Care

Pruning the suckers.

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Journal of the Week

7/18/2024 Microsoft's own AI Designer App (in Edge). Probably some free credits daily using my free personal outlook.com account, for some AI art.

7/17/2024 My company's first podcast. I set up the room per my manager. Not sure why the team processed with only 480p video quality. The SONY camera should do a lot higher. My only regret is the room. I think we could use a much quieter room.

7/16/2024 Ghost jobs. That's a term for job postings that aren't real. Their purposes are diverse: eventually hire someone, make themselves look good, testing the job market, etc.

7/15/2024 I just learned from FB that our favorite neighborhood farmer's market Dieker's Farm is closed for good. The comments recommended Samaha's Farm in Matawan.

7/13/2024 Potluck at Deaconry around 3pm, after the lunch at home with Nadia's coworker R & her daughter F. The honored guests at Clyde's potluck were Hilary Lewis-Nicol and his wife Melrose. The only foreign "missionary" our church support, apparently. They are from Ghana, probably of the charismatic influence. But I do respect them better than the others who were more American or americanized. Suddenly, Tom said that his mother texted him about Trump being shot. The bullet by alleged assassin 20 year old Thomas Matthew Crooks apparently merely grazed Trump's right ear with observable bloody bruise. Crooks' motive's unknown and I think it will never been truly known but Trump appeared to be fine after being rushed to hospital. This news became viral even David Tong couldn't wait to comment, immediately, and I think this will boost Trump's rating. Tom then tried to get us to listen to him praying. Hilary later also proactively prayed for me and Nadia for children.

David Tong shared that this is the piece his father Stephen Tong introduced to him to fall in love with classical music: Franz Schubert Symphony No. 8 B Minor Unfinished.

7/12/2024 Tim Keller's sermons, not sure how complete, but pretty substantial amount, are available free officially at Gospel Life. And I've also got a collection from an old friend recently, with 33+GB I would need a whole drive to store them.

7/10/2024 So NJ Transit has increased the July train fare from $13.25 to $15.20, between South Amboy and NY Penn. Station. And apparently they're getting rid of the Covid19 imposed Flex Pass (20 one-way at %20 off). So we need to be creative with our solution. Nadia's bought in app tickets from NY to Woodbridge and such for lower cost while I've also tried paper ticket from Rahway to NY ($10.60) as some conductors do not check the tickets until passing Rahway into NY. It has now worked twice for me. The new monthly fair is certainly not worth it at $437, which I believe used to be $380. At $437, that's $54.63 each way if I only commute twice a week.

This is cutting close to the South Amboy Ferry fares, which I have yet to try. $18 one way, $165 for 10 trips, $600 for 40 trips, $588 for monthly. Unfortunately, the ferry's schedule is scarce: 5:45am til 8:45am every hour Mon-Fri from South Amboy to Brookfield; 3:30pm-6:30pm every hour Mon-Fri from Brookfield. For Pier 79 (39th Street & 12th Ave) arrival and departure, take the last two rides from South Amboy or the first two (3:15pm 4:15pm) from Pier 79 respectively.

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Cleaning Shower room

Grout...that's the term for the groove fillings in between the tiles on the wall or flooring of the shower room.

Watching videos like the above, I bought from Home Depot: Simple Grout (Ready to Use), grout scraper/removal tool (triangular tip), and a float. The two bucket system (one clean, one for grout cleaning) sounds like a good idea.

Bulb seal is probably what the rubber seal around the door or doorframe of the shower. This one is a tough clean. Thus far, this article is the best I found online that has fixtures close enough to ours. It's perplexing figuring out how to remove/side off these seals.

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Samsung Galaxy Gear 360 - Uploading to Youtube

Raw files are automatically processed by Samsung's Gear 360 ActionDirector Windows app. These processed files have the word "_Stitch_" in the filenames. These stitched files seem to work in Meta Quest 2's TV app, after direct transfer from PC to Quest via USB-C to USB-C. However, a lot of these files do not work right away. It seems to take time to "process" by the Quest app.

The ActionDirector Windows app also has the menu feature called "produce" to produce 360 video, which apparently should be different than the automatically processed "_Stitch_" files. These produced files work right away after uploading onto Youtube while the _Stitch_ files do not work as 360 from direct Youtube upload.

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On Copyright - Is there such a thing as Intellectual Properties?

I have made known my stand on this in several entries here before. This shall hopefully be the last entry with capacity to be expanded, to avoid confusion of multiple postings on the same subject.

The crux of the problem is: Do we distinguish theft from lying? That is, should we not conflate the 8th and the 9th commandments: Thou shalt not steal & Thou shalt not bear false witness, respectively.

I once asked Pak Tong the last time he was here in the States, he did not give a clear answer but recognizing that there are people promoting against intellectual properties; however, he also stated that his ministry STEMI does not allow people to copy their materials without permission. I cannot say that he supports Intellectual property rights in the common way because of this, because I believe even if someone pirated their materials, I highly doubt they would sue that person. 1 Timothy 5:18 comes to mind, which is not the same as the principle operating behind today's copyright law.

I would attempt to start by arguing from the fact that in the 8th commandment, God's physical material blessing must be recognized, and thus must be distinguished from the other commandments such as the 9th and the 10th. Though I'm not saying all these commandments are mutually exclusive. Therefore, to fail in recognizing material blessing, or to conflate material blessing with another kind of blessing such as talent, is to risk the same error as the Gnostics: diminishing the value of material, which is of the world, which God created.

Therefore, though it is true that the 8th commandment does not specify that the object of theft is a physical material one or not, what I shall investigate here is whether the notion of theft must only link to a physical object or can it also be associated with the non-physical such as the product of the mind or talent. Because after all, when we use the word "product", one can easily associate that with the physical, even though it doesn't have to be so. In the same way, we use the word "steal", for "someone else's idea". So the question is, is this meant the same way by God?

Though we must distinguish the two commandments (8th & 9th), we cannot deny that these two generally apply together to the crime of theft (of physical things). A thief who stole a car, if asked, would lie about how he got the car, generally. "Generally" being an important keyword here, because someone who steals may not lie about it and thus it borders robbing, which I think is aptly covered by the 8th commandment since there's no separate commandment that says "Thou shalt not rob". However, in the case of intellectual "properties", if we want to really call it that, there's no distinguishing of robbing and stealing.

For the sake of argument, robbing is always stealing, but stealing is not always robbing. Stealing is a bigger circle encompassing completely the smaller circle called robbing, in the Venn diagram. Stealing is taking without permission, robbing is to do so bolding in broad daylight so to speak.

But in the case of intellectual properties, there is no such thing as robbing, because when I copy someone's idea in "broad daylight", that's just simply copying, which is not a sin in itself. Only when I tell people that someone else's idea that I copied from, is mine, then have I broken the 9th commandment. But the West came up with this idea that we can "buy" someone's ideas (thus, intellectual properties) and subtly call it ours. Which is absurd, even if one works hard to not break the 9th by carefully calling it "ownership" of the rights, rather than "authorship". Because by calling it ownership, one inadvertently conveys authorship. The only reason to distinguish these two terms is to have monetary power, otherwise it's not true ownership nor authorship.

I can and should say more here, but it will be continued next time. This is an ongoing investigation of the subject.

The proponent of Copyright Law has this chief reason: To encourage creativity or sharing of it, which is pathetic. As if I need to pay a child to behave or not seek vengeance. What then, shall we oppose the government because of this? No. Here give unto Caesar is apt.

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Vocabulary: 无视法律;秉公执法; 人之常情


人之常情: Human nature

Learned from Youtuber @9:15

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