Category Archives: Geography

Geography: Sierra Leone

We have a visiting missionary whom our church support: Hilary Lewis-Nicol. He seems to be from Africa, was music director and now the Africa Area Director of Youth for Christ. Supervised seven countries– Sierra Leone, The Gambia, Liberia, Ghana, Nigeria, … Continue reading

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Journal of the Week

5/23/2024 Every time I hear news about attacks by the homeless in liberal states such as CA, incompetence in catch and release of criminals, victimizations of landlords, uncontrolled immigration, etc. I thought, these are major fails that Trump could have … Continue reading

Posted in Astronomy, Biology, Computer Science, Geography, Theologization | Leave a comment

Journal of the Week

5/2/2024 This is certainly the fastest way to transplant nursery plants: long handled bulb/plant planter transplanter. 5/1/2024 Printing music with CSS Grid. I love writing music, I love doing this on the computer. Perhaps this is worth learning. The … Continue reading

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Solar Eclipse Totality Road Trip

Today, after church service (over the last few weeks, I've collected from libraries everywhere in South Amboy to Detroit, free solar eclipse glasses, and placed 9 of them at church entrance for people to take), began Nadia's and my trip … Continue reading

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Cheap Flights for Travel lots of controls to filter out what you need at low rates. publishes great deals but you must depend on their selection of places and times.

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Fire map of America

To get a current map view of fire hazards, this is a good site:

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Chinese History Summary from Video Series: 中国通史 Comprehensive History of China

A supposedly well made 100 episode documentary. Forwarded from mom. 中華通史100集.由古至今的朝代興衰,可以看看參考。 For some reason, the idiots at YouTube removed the CCTV6 account, and thus the English subbed series is gone. Good thing I downloaded the whole thing long ago. 只要花75小時,即可看盡中國四千年歷史的興衰,非常非常值得。全部100集都在這裡了,按照目錄,想看那一集,隨挑隨看。 … Continue reading

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Learning Korean Language

From Hangul: Wikipedia source: The chart below shows all 19 consonants in South Korean alphabetic order with Revised Romanization equivalents for each letter and pronunciation in IPA (see Korean phonology for more). Hangul ㄱ ㄲ ㄴ ㄷ ㄸ ㄹ ㅁ ㅂ ㅃ ㅅ ㅆ ㅇ ㅈ … Continue reading

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Learning Japanese Language

From So far I'm relying on Duolingo more. Much Youtube help is needed for pronunciation. The Basics: Hiragana (common) Katakana (for foreign transliteration) Japanese Input Keyboard layout (Microsoft IME, Kana On):

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Journal of the Week

7/31/2023 Came across the late James Randi on FB, the Canadian guy who went about debunking physics, telekinesis, etc. He was raised somewhat Christian but turned Atheist. However, people (especially atheists and magicians) loved him for debunking charlatans such as … Continue reading

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