Electricity Leak / Stolen

The power meter reading showed that we've used 55 kWh in 2 days (7/31 - 8/2). On average we paid $60/mo. Then it went to $70 which was still ok. But last month's bill was $148. And our average power usage was 200 kWh, became 510 kWh last month.

A quick online search shown that this could be due to the landlord not doing their due diligence when they purchased the apartment. That they needed to hire electricians to make sure that the electricity wiring is properly separated between the two families, and not just take it for granted from the previous owner.

However, there is also a chance that the leak does not come from downstairs. Even though I couldn't get the landlord to test every appliances they have, particularly their second A.C. if there's one (we saw an empty box for a new 24,000BTU A.C.), which I thought so. But she tested one A.C. in the back and it worked even though I've pulled the breakers on the second floor. What's strange is that with the power cut off from the breaker box on the 2nd floor, our bedroom outlet was still providing power to the fan and Echo-Dot.

24k BTU = 7kWh. That would raise one's bill significantly. That's about $1.40-$1.80 an hour.

So, some forums had suggested that there could be power theft from neighbors. Which was not uncommon, apparently.

Con-Ed had asked my wife to find a private electrician to check the circuits before they investigate further. But after multiple calls, she was able to get Con-Ed to send someone over on Thursday 8/9. which I've asked a day off on. If it had been a private electrician, they would charge from $150/30mins to $350/job. Lucy claimed that it was Con-Ed who installed all these. I have no idea what to think except to wait for the technician to come on Thursday.

50 kWh in two days is equivalent to 2 full 24/7 day of an average air conditioner power consumption. And we barely touched our AC this whole summer, and definitely not in the last two days.

Until then. This is going to be interesting. I was being reminded of trust in God, no matter what happens. Recently, a few American preachers have been preaching on how anxiety is a sin, but I'll leave this for another topic.

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