Category Archives: Astronomy

Journal of the Week

5/23/2024 Every time I hear news about attacks by the homeless in liberal states such as CA, incompetence in catch and release of criminals, victimizations of landlords, uncontrolled immigration, etc. I thought, these are major fails that Trump could have … Continue reading

Posted in Astronomy, Biology, Computer Science, Geography, Theologization | Leave a comment

Weekly-ish updates

Japan allowing copyrighted materials for A.I. training. This is interesting in that I have always stand against the whole world on this: That there is no such thing as intellectual properties. I just never thought of it coming from the … Continue reading

Posted in Astronomy, Computer Science, Questions, Technical | Leave a comment

Learning Astrophotography

Stacking is a common terminology in this field. A good start for tutorial With the EVScope (purchased in March 2020 for around $3k with backpack), battery died due to long term abandonment (supposed to keep charge at most every two … Continue reading

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All about Telescope

To learn about Focal Ratio, this is a good teacher: And the image below from the site is a good illustration of F-ratio vs. exposure. Basically, to take good quality image in astrophotography, you want to stay away from … Continue reading

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Weekly Matters

3/7/2023 Fun interaction on Facebook on God and Logic. Basically I posted: There has been debate on this within Christendom no doubt and thus affected one's view on God's sovereignty, i.e. predestination vs. arminianism, various understanding of trinity, Christ's dual … Continue reading

Posted in Astronomy, Computer Science | 1 Comment

Location for Astronomy, Astrophotography Bortle 4 and below

South Amboy is Bortle 6. Decent astrophotography would be at most Bortle 4, and that is with photo processing using stacking. For Bortle 4, the closest is West North West of us, from Ken Lockwood Gorge Wildlife to Voorhees State … Continue reading

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Best Explanation so far I came across by Veritasium. Archived in Library drive folder: "Academics\Astronomy\Supernova\What Happens If A Star Explodes Near The Earth.mkv"

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First Black Hole Image

So using EHT (Event Horizon Telescope) technique, the first black hole image was remarkable. It's said that they could even take a very clear image of a donut on the Moon. EHT is not your conventional telescope with lenses. It's … Continue reading

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The Dodo Men in Mexico learning from street chefs. Interesting concept for travelling. James Webb Space Telescope's first image. The study of star birth. What to do in Las Vegas suggestion lists (not mine) Richard Pratt on Van Til, worth … Continue reading

Posted in Astronomy, Projects, Theologization, Travel | Leave a comment

Astronomy: Why do the times of sunrise and sunset change at different rates?

I should make a youtube video on this once I understood it. Need to boost my Youtube subscriber number for $. I noticed in Nov/Dec the Sunset time reverses sooner than the Sunrise time. Here's the answer. Source: Steve Ford: … Continue reading

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